27• First Day

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1 week later


"Ms Monroe, Glad you could join us. You can take a seat anywhere you like" I nodded. I pushed my bag up on my shoulder as I took a seat in the front of the class room, by some girl.

She gave me a small smile and wave and I returned the gesture.

"I'm professor Mildred, for the ones who didn't catch the name. While studying business, you'll get a thorough grounding in the theories and principles of accounting, finance, marketing, economics, statistics, and human resources functions. You will be a whiz on how to budget, organize, plan, hire, direct, control, and manage various kinds of organizations –from entrepreneurial–type start–ups to multi–million–dollar corporations. The business major will also get you thinking about issues such as diversity, ethics, politics, and other dynamics that play a role in every work environment. Make sure those competitive juices are flowing; the business world is all, well, business."


I knew this is what I wanted. I had been wanting to start my own business for a while now but never really looked into it after I didn't get my acceptance later earlier than I should've. I wanted to start a beauty business since doing makeup & hair was really interesting to me. I also was told that I was great at doing it, so why not.

"As a major in business administration/management, expect to work in small groups—no room for wallflowers here. Count on problem-solving, theorizing, and math-heavy number-crunching, too. You'll have your choice of areas in which to concentrate; LSU require you to focus on one, while others allow you to sample several. Options might include operations management, human resources management, and general management." He went on.

"Now for this, you can take notes if you like. I'm not going to push you to, your success is up to you. This week, we're going to study finance" I pulled a notebook from my bag.

"Finance is a very professionally oriented major designed to prepare you for a career in financial management, which is the art and science of managing money or, if you like, the way people, institutions, markets, and countries generate and transfer wealth. It's a good major and potentially a very lucrative one because, these days, everybody - small businesses, monolithic corporations, charities, and governments - needs effective financial management..."

"If you major in Finance, you'll study things like commercial and investment banking, forecasting and budgeting, and asset and liability management. You'll learn more than you may ever want to know about money, stocks and bonds, and how markets function. You'll learn how to determine what fraction of a firm's assets or your own assets to put into different kinds of investment vehicles in order to obtain the highest return for a justifiable level of risk. When you graduate, all those baffling indexes at the back of the Wall Street Journal will make sense to you."

"Upon graduation, your career can take many paths naturally,but most Finance majors find jobs in the finance departments of firms; with banks, mutual funds, and other kinds of financial institutions; or in government or some kind of charitable organization. Some schools offer specialized areas of concentration within the Finance major as well in insurance and real estate for example."

(IM realllllllll smart🌝😜)


"So, How you like it here so far?" The girl, who I sat next to today in class, imogen, asked, sitting at the table. I was at a cafe that was just by the college.

"It's cool. The people here are kind of rude, But Cool"

"Yeah, that's what they all say" she said. I nodded, agreeing with what she said

"You don't even look like the type to study business"

"I have dreams of opening my own cosmetic shop— what about you ? You don't look like the type either"

"It's a family tradition. I never even thought about doing this but my mother and father pushed me into it"

"Why you won't just do what you like"

"I wish I could. They are crazy, somebody probably watching me for them right now" she glanced around her surroundings.

"Ever thought about leaving?"

"I did a couple of times, but they always find me"

"They aren't around now though, so why won't you just go for it"

"You're really trying to get me killed huh?" She chucked. I shrugged

"Hey, check out them" She smirked as I turned around, seeing a few dudes. About three of them was good looking. One glanced over at me, flashing his pretty white teeth and waved. I gave him a small smile before looking back at her. She was smiling at me


"Dudeeeeeee, That's Tre. Known for good looks, grades, and for being good in bed"

"I'm happy he's known for all that, but I can't"

"Why not?"

"I— kinda have somebody..well he isn't mine but he is—it's like— just forget it. I can't" I told her. She looked at her watch

"I gotta get going now. But...I'll catch you tomorrow in class?"

"Sure" I nodded.

Incoming Call "Momma❤️😥"


"Cici? How you been"

"No, the question is.. How YOU been? And why haven't you been calling me?"


"Nah, I'm good on you" I hung up. If she think she about to talk to me when she wants then she got the wrong idea. I sighed before grabbing my things and leaving the cafe.

Why I gotta live like this

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