Chapter 4• Concerts

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"You like it out there?" My mom asked though the phone and I shrugged. Auntie Jo bought me a new phone because she claimed she was tired of me using hers.

"It's coo. Nun outta line happened, where Carlos?" I questioned and she put the camera on him. He was eating a spongebob freezer pop and once he saw me, his eyes lit up.

"Cici!" He smiled and I smiled back into the camera.

"Hay Los, I miss you."

"I mih you too!" He cheesed extra hard. I really did miss him, and it was only the 3rd day with out them. Momma face popped back into the camera.

"Aye imma call you back. They just called my order." She told me, and I nodded pressing the end button.

Lulu and Lena walked in my room looking innocent as ever.

"Hell y'all up to?" I raised my eyebrow and they shook they heads.

"Nothing, just came to see what my favorite cousin doing." Lulu mumbled.

"Cut it out. What y'all want farreal, fo I take a nap." I yawned.

"I was wandering if you would wanna go to ken..." She started mumbling the rest of her words making me smack my lips.

"Lulu what the hell? Speak up." I did a hand motion for her to keep going.

"Did u wanna go to ken..." She mumbled again and I smacked my lips.

"Mane! Do you wanna go to kentrell concert tonight?" Lena spoke up and I shook my head.


"Mannn! Cici come dude! This gone be our first time doing something as cousins again in a Lonnggg time." She exaggerated.

"So. Y'all know parties aren't my thing."

"Just this one time...Pleasee.." Lulu pleaded. I rolled my eyes.

"Just this one time!" I replied and they jumped up cheering and Lena smacked lulu hand.

"Be ready around.. 6:30. It start at 7 tho." She told me and I nodded, putting my hand over my mouth as I yawned.

"Heard ju.." They walked out and I laid back onto my pillow. Minutes later, I was out like light.



"She gone make us late." I heard somebody groan and somebody else sucked their teeth. The bed sunk in and felt somebody shake me.

"Gone nie" I flipped to the other side.

"Cici! Get uppppp" I heard Lulu's voice as she dragged her words.

They all begun whispering stuff, and It wasn't long before the other side of the bed sunk in. It got quiet.

I felt breathing on my ear before thy began to speak, "wake up babeyh girl.. Please." He mumbled so low, and soft into my ear. Made me a little w-

My eyes flew open and the all started geeking. Kentrell had a slight smirk on his face.

"What time is it?" I asked rubbing the side of my face.

"Time for you to get Dressed! Hurry yo ass up." Lulu mugged me and I glanced at all of them, seeing they were dressed.

"Ight, get out." Every body left except kentrell.

"I thought I just said get out.."

"I heard you.." He laid back on the bed, "you can get dressed In front of me. Ion kiss and tell.." He smirked.

"Ion give a damn."

"Me neither, and ian going no where so.." He shrugged, turning on the TV. I rolled my eyes, going to pick what I was going to wear.

I picked something, and went to get in the shower. After my shower I wrapped the towel around me and started blow drying my hair. Somebody started knocking.

"I'm in here!" I yelled and the door opened anyway. Kentrell walked in and I smacked my lips.

"I just said I'm in here."

"And? I gotta pee." He pushed passed me, and a few seconds later his pee started hitting the toilet. I sighed going back to room and putting on my clothes.


"Take me a picture LuLu." I handed her my phone. We made it to his concert and was backstage.

BabyCici : Real Raw❤

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BabyCici : Real Raw❤.

"Malu what the hell you doing here?" Ben asked but I was too focused reading the comments on my picture.

"I came to see my baby." She replied, causing me to look up seeing she sat on trell lap.

"Hay baby girl." He kissed her cheek. I look back down at my phone like I ain't see nothing.

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