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After doing my natural morning hygiene stuff, I packed the rest of my bags. We was headed back home today, and I was happy as hell. Mostly because this trip wasn't shit and the only thing good is I met Keith. I just know me and him aren't gonna be communicating like we used to, but imma see if he text Or call me first. I'm tired of getting in contact with people first just to have a conversation. That's why me and my mother don't talk anymore. I was always calling her first, just to check up ON HER.

Anyway, Keith left this morning after we had left to eat breakfast. Lena ended up coming back in the middle of the night drunk as hell, so that woke me and Keith up. We both had to guide her to the bed since she was stumbling bad.

"You got pain killers on you?" She asked, coming from the bathroom, Into the hotel room. I dodged around in my bag, searching for some before pulling some out. While me and him were out, it hurted a bit just to eat so I went and bought some.

"Thank yo- what's wrong with your face?" She rose her eyebrow as she walked over, trying to grab my face but I stepped back.


"It doesn't look like nothing to me—Oh my god. Kentrell did this didn't he?"


"Why are you lying to me! This is serious shit Cianna. Did he hit you or not?"

"I said no!" As much as I hated him right now, I didn't want anybody thinking he was putting his hands on me regularly.

"You lyin to me. Last night, he came in The room with blood on his hand."

"Lena, please don't tell anybody! Imma handle it"

"What can you possibly do?! If it happened once, and you let him slide without doing anything—It's going to keep happening. Shit! Thought you would've learned from your mother." She shook her head walking back into the bathroom.

"Mind your damn business! I said I got this." I told her. I could hear her mumbled "whatever" as I rolled my eyes. I heard the card being asserted from the outside of the door, before the door bursted open and all of them walked in. Plus some girl i didn't knew, who came in last and went to stand by kentrell.

"Why you got that uglass bandaid on yo face?" Kd spoked up, making everybody look at me, and me mug him. Kentrell glances at me before continuing to talk to the girl.

"Your nose would be on ya face if it wasn't in my business."

"Girl bye. My shit right HERE" he pointed to it and they starting geeking. I waved them off.

"Y'all ready tho?" Ben asked and I shook my head.

"Lena up in there." I pointed to the bathroom, and he went to bang on it.

"Bring yo kd lovin ass outta here."

I felt somebody grab my arm and yank me into the hallway. It was lulu & she had this worried facial expression on her face.


"I'm guessing.. Lena told you."

"Yes, are you okay?"

"I'm fine! Please just— showing pity towards me." I walked back into the room, all eyes on me. He just kept glancing at me, making the girl beside me low key mug me. After a while Lena came back out looking better than ever, and she went over to grab her suitcase. I cleaned the room a bit before leaving out of the hotel.

Keith😌❤️ Would Like To FaceTime ..

"Reach me some headphones." I told Ben and he pulled out his, handing them to me. I made sure to clean them before sticking them inside my ears and clicking Accept.


"Heyy, you looking better. It's healing?"

"A little bit. Still hurt but imma be—okay." I told him. I paused because I noticed everybody inside of the truck except kentrell and the girl. That's when I realized she was coming with us. He let her in, then i guess he was waiting on me because he still stood outside of the truck looking at me.

Once I tried getting in he grabbed me, and pulled me in the back of the truck.

"You good?"

"Why do you even Care?"

"I promise I didn't even mean too. It just happened. I know ya prolly think I'm lyin, But I'm sorry Fareal. Yeen gotta accept it, I just want you to know." He told me as he walked away.

He let me in, then he got in. I had to get in the back where he and the girl was because there wasn't no more room. I talked to Keith while him and  her played around, like I wasn't right beside them.

"You look—tense."

"No I don't." I mumbled looking back at the camera. He shook his head laughing.

"Yes, you do." Even though i feel like Keith like me, I think he knows my feelings for kentrell will never go away.

"Why youn like opening opening up to me?"

"That shit weak." I told him and he bursted out laughing.

"Fake thug."

"Ain't nothing fake bout me boo. Try again."

"Yeah ight.. I'm hungry mane."

"Go eat some then." I rolled my eyes. And he smacked his lips.

"I don't want food. I'm hungry for some else."

"Like what?"

"Whatcha Momma made."

"I don't know what she made." I shrug as he bursted out laughing again.

"Bye Cici." He hung up, and I sat there dumbfounded. I could feel somebody burning a hole in my face so I glanced over seeing kentrell looking at me while she laid her head on his shoulders.

Keith😌❤️- Really? You bout dumb as hell😂

- How? You said you was hungry

Keith😌❤️- I also said I'm tryna eat whatcha momma said

- and I told you she ain't make nothin

Keith😌❤️- I'm tryna eat you...🐱

- ohhhhhhhh 🥴You would say some now

Keith😌❤️- If It was like that when you was here I woulda been did that shit

- Yeah right 😂😂👎🏾 I'll talk to you later

Keith 😌❤️- Ain playin And ight bet

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