24• Warehouse pt. 2

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"Cianna?..." I asked, examining at how tore up she looked. She looked exactly like the picture, but just worst, seeing her in person.

"Y'all gotta g-get outta here" She stuttered, wobbling around like she was dizzy.

"You're coming too, you hear me?" I winced in pain as I pushed myself up from the ground. I made my way over to where she was, and grabbed her hand.

"You know the way out?" She shook her head

"We can't leave Without them" She whispered. I nodded, leading her to wherever. I saw Lena in a far distance and called out to her. Even though we argued before we got here, she was still my sister and I knew she wanted to see Cianna as much as I did. She ran over to Cianna, tears forming in her eyes. She examined Cianna's Non Recognizable face and shook her head.


"Please, don't" Cici stopped her. They both bursted out crying as I looked away holding in any tears that threatened to fall. While they were trying to catch up, I could hear banging.

"Y'all hear that?"

"Hear what?" They walked to where I was. Lena rose her eyebrow at the familiar voice. She walked in front of me, letting the banging and voices lead her to wherever it did. We ended up in front of some Room. She reached for the door knob but I stopped her.

"What if it's a set up?"

"They killed most of the niggas here. I highly doubt it— yall got some on y'all?" Cici nodded. She showed the gun that was in her hand from when she shot Miguel.

Lena took a deep breath before opening the door. Out came Kd and Kentrell. Kentrell eyes widened once he saw Cianna. He immediately ran over to her, hugging her tight.

"Kentrell, you're hurting me"

"I'm sorry man. Nun of this was supposed to happen— I promised to protect you— I failed didn't i? Man just look at you" He shook his head. She pulled him to the side as they continued to talk. I noticed Lena kept glancing over to where they was.

"Damn, can I get a hug? Yeen seen me since we first got here" Kd mugged her. She put on fake smile as she wrapped her arms around his neck and pecked his lips. He smiled at her.

I pulled her away from everybody else.

"Anything you wanna tell me?"

"No—why you ask that?"

"None. Just got that guilty look on your face. You hidin some"

She bit her lip "Look Luanne, some happened but you gotta promise not to tell anybody. Imma handle it"

"What?" I crossed my arms. She always doing some she ain't got no business.


"Well damn bitch, spit it out"

"I kissed Kentrell, okay" My eyes widened.

"You What!?"

"I don't have time to be repeating shit okay? Don't say shit. Imma handle it" she walked off. I stood there, processing what the hell she just said.

"Thought I heard y'all loud asses" Ben came out of no where. He acted as if he didn't see me, making me smack my lips.

"Where yo black ass been?"

"I was looking fa you niggas"

"Damn, so what about us?" Cianna spoke up. He smacked his lips and I could tell he was about to say something smart but he stopped, realizing it was her.

"Damn girl, you look like you got jumped by 4 bitches"

"Chill" Kentrell chuckled. She flicked Ben off and I walked back to where everybody else was

"Y'all ready?"

"Hell yeah"



"She suffered A black eye, Partially Broken ribs and A deep cut, just below her temples. She might have to stay just a few days so we can see how her ribs are functioning. Other than that, she's ok. You can go in and see her, if you like" I nodded.

I stepped in the room seeing her watching tv. I chuckled at how she looked so focused. She looked at me, and frowned.

"What's funny"

"Nun— you just look so interested in this bullshit. What is it anyway"

"Law and Oder Special Victims Unit"

"Oh" it was quiet.

"I'm sorry" I finally spoke back up, looking into her eyes.

"For everything. Breaking your heart, lies, the cheating, all of it. I'm still young, imma learn though. And no, I'm not sayin this shit because of the situation you in now.. I meant to say it before but— Ain build up the courage to."


"And I hope you can forgive me. I love you man I—"


"The shit I did was foul as fuck. You ain't deserve that shit. Y-"

"Kentrell! Okay? I forgive you!" I smiled, kissing her forehead. Everything was good until I remembered what happened with Lena. I bit my lip, debating on should i tell her or not. I watched as she laughed at something that was said on the tv.


"Hm?" She looked at me, a small smile still on her face from when she was laughing.

"Ken-Trell" she snapped her fingers in my face. I snapped out of my trance and looked at her.


"You called my name?"

"Y-Yeah—when I say this, you can't get mad at me aight?" She sat up in the hospital bed a bit.

"Lena kissed me" she laughed at me. When she noticed my plain facial expression she rose her eyebrows.

"When was this?"

"The night you went missing"

"You kissed Back?"

"Hell no" I scrunched my face up. She nodded, laying back.

"You good?"

"Yeah" she said softly. I watched her as she watched the tv like what I said to her meant nothing.

Oh hell

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