23• Warehouse pt. 1

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I sat in the wooden chair tied up from legs to toe. I could feel my adrenaline pumping hard as hell. My face was so sore, I could barely move my head.

"They should be here any minute—no I sent it to her little boyfriend—she staying with Joanna. That's where I took her ass from—yessir" Miguel spoke into the phone. He hung the phone up then kneeled down to look in my face.

"Ouuweee, you sweatin like hell" I rolled my eyes at him. He took the tape off my mouth but gave me a look.

"You say one word, and imma blow this bitch" he held the gun to my face.

"Cianna, baby,you just ughh— you look so damn rough"


"Didn't I say shut the fuck up?" He pointed the gun in my direction. I swallowed hard.

He cleared his throat, "Anyways, you're people should be here—" he checked his watch, "Now"

"They gone gimme out of here. Best believe that"

"Yeah right. Watchu didn't know is that I have Shooters all over the place."

"You think that they ain't come here strapped? I highly doubt that. Do you know what type of niggas these is?"

"Do you know what type of nigga I am?" He asked. I rolled my eyes. A few seconds later, you could hear gunshots everywhere. These niggas— I hope somebody don't get hurt. Miguel smirked.

"Just what I was waiting for"

"Cianna!" It was kentrell voice. As much as I wanted to answer, I couldn't. Miguel gave me a death glare.

"Cici! Wea u at man?"


"Don't say shit" Miguel told me through gritted teeth. He starting wandering around, leaving me by myself. I looked around trying to look for anything that could help me out of this shit.

Once I looked down, I saw a pair of scissors right by my feet.

If I can use my feet to get these, then I can get free.

I thought to myself.

"Here we go"


"Man, where the hell she at." I whisper to myself. Everybody had split up, and Kd decided to come with me, making my stomach turn.

"She gotta be over hea somewhere. Lena said they checked over there"

"I called ha name, I know she in here" I said.

"I hope sh-" Kd said But he didn't finish his sentence. I kept walking, hoping he'd finish. Something clinked against the ground and I turned around seeing kd gun on the ground and some dude behind him with a gun to his head. Within seconds, I whipped my gun back out pointing it towards the dude.

"Let him go."

"Put the gun down." The dude stated, but I didnt.

"Let my brudda go first"

"You know, I can blow his brains out right now, but, hey! Look at me. Giving you a chance" he said sarcastically, but that didn't phase me.

"Man-" kd started But he cut him off.

"Shh shh shh" he put his hand on the trigger. Kd closed his eyes tight. Finally, I lowered it he looked at me and smirked.

"Now, follow me. Don't try no slick shit" he said. I looked at him.

"Nigga go"

I smacked my lips, continuing to walk the way I was going at first. He followed behind me with the gun still to kd head.

We ended up going into a small room, and he pushed me and kd inside of it. When I realized what he was doing, I ran to the door but he had shut it just in time. I reached for the doorknob but it didn't open.

It could only be opened from the outside


"Really Ben"

"Hell yeah, you yelling and shit. I'm finna leave yo ass"

"Fuck you leaving me for? I barely yelled at yo ass— you know what? Just- bye. I don't need you no way, never did."

"Shid, if that's how you feel then keep it that way"

"Bet" I walked off. He was really acting like a bitch right now.

I found myself crying, alone and scared. No one was in sight so anything could just happen. I looked around seeing it was empty as ever.

All of a sudden, I hand covered my mouth and picked me up. I kicked for the sake of my life, and you could hear my muffled screams. I kicked whoever it was, where the sun don't shine. They let me go, and I dropped to the ground, hitting my head in the process. The way my body connected to the ground made me weak. I couldn't move.

I needed him... more than ever

A tug on my leg, made me look up seeing the same person. Of course it was him. Miguel

"Let.me.go" I said with every time I struggled against him. I finally got loose and Miguel reaches for the gun that was in his pants. He aimed at me, with a smirk on his face. His finger gripped the trigger but that short lived when his body fell to the ground. I look at him in horror, and examined myself seeing his blood all over me.

Looking up, I saw the person I thought I'd never see again, considering I looked everywhere.



Jesus Christ, this a big ass warehouse 💀

If I don't really say it, imma say it now. Thanks for the support & Love y'all show to this book❗️😢💞

I really be trying to update but like always, skool be stressing me tf out. This semester is some else mannnn😭 I hope I do str8

But yeah. Part 2 should kome tomorrow, if not then imma try and update the next day afterwards. Depends.

- Love

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