Chapter 14• Things Happen

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Today was kentrell's birthday and in all honesty, I wanted to be with him to celebrate and do all that fun stuff.. but my pride is too big. I really don't know if I can be around him at all after what he did. He's been reaching out to me but I haven't been responding back. Everyone has been telling me how "Heartbroken" he is like he not the person who made the situation what it is now.

"No king, give it back." I whine as kingston took the last hot wing. We were the only ones home since Lena and Lu went next door. I was home by myself until this nigga decided to come back from his friends house early and invade my personal time. I made wings for my self but he took nearly all of them.

"No, I want some. A nigga hungry."

"You shoulda thought about that before you went and got your stupid ass high." I mug him as he shrug.

"Just fulfilling my needs." He walks to the living room. I sat near him, and grabbed the remote, flicking through the channels.

"Ouuu! Keep it on this." It was spongebob. I sucked my teeth. I mean, don't get me wrong,
Spongebob the shit but I wasn't in the mood for no kid tv shows.

"Mane hell nah." I shook my head.

"Fuck you, you no fun." He left the living room. I shrugged, looking down at my phone.

@Onlyy.Lena: He keeps asking for you🙄
@nba_youngboy: come see a nigga damn Gimme a hug or some It's my birthday😒
@Nbakd2x: If youn come see this denthead bitch so he can shut up🤨

I sigh, locking my phone. It was only minutes later before the door bursted open and loud voices filled the room.

"It's bout cold as hell in this joint!" Kd loud ass yelled as he flop down on the couch, looking at me. It was a few seconds til his face grew into a mug. I rose my eyebrow.


"Cianna did you ugly as hell. Like you so damn ugly you just—" I threw a pillow at him as they started laughing. Occasionally, I looked over at Youngboy who was giving me this look I couldn't read. I didn't even entertain him because knowing him, he might try some fuck shit. But I just had to say something. I hate when people stare at me.

"Can I help you?" I tilted my head. He sucked his teeth nodding.

"Actually, you can, Go upstairs." He pointed and I shook my head. He nodded standing up, practically snatching me off the couch.

"Aye, we'll be back y'all." He told them, and they nodded. I caught Lena smirking at me and I shot her a bird.

Once we made it up to the room he slammed the door shut and locked it. I sat on the bed awkwardly as he stared at me.

"I love yuh—"

"Mhm, you love Malu too."

"No the hell I don't mane. I didn't even tell her come to the studio. She just popped up."

"Okay kentrell, but you didn't tell her leave either." I told him. He was quiet for a minute.

"We didn't do nun. We just chilled."

"It's the fact of you being around another female. You know how my trust is right now and to me.... that's some sneaky, fucked up shit. You just gone let this bitch sit around you all day? From 7am to 10 at night? And y'all didn't do nothing? Nothing at all? Yeah ok, save that shit for somebody else."

"You trippin mane.." he waves me off and I chuckle.

"Oh, I'm tripping when you go caught? Sure." I stood up, walking towards the door but he blocked the way.

"Move...Now." I went the other way but all he did was block it.

"Kentrell Move—" he grabbed me, pulling me into a hug. He smelled so damn good.

Bitch what are you doing

He started by planting small kisses on my lips, then to my neck. While he was doing that, we ended up stumbling over to the bed. He started undressing me slowly.

"Head don't solve everything.." I mumble, rolling my eyes. He sucked his teeth looking up at me.

"Only way yo stubborn ass a shut up"

"Bruh just tell me—"I cut my self off with a gasp. He smirked against me as he started tracing shapes inside of me. I push his head away as I felt my stomach warm up but that just made him hold my hips down and pin my hands to the side. He rose up licking his lips and I rolled my eyes, lips parted as my breathing was heavy. He unbuckled his pants and I eyed him weirdly.

"What you doing? I don't suck d—"

"I know" he bluntly stated and I nodded.

"Aight then, bye." I try to get up but he grabs me by my face, kissing me, as I lay back down.

"I'm a Virgin" he totally ignore me. He pulled out a condom as he pulled his boxers down and when I tell you— I bout broke my neck looking back at it.

"Unt uh kentrell, that's not gone fit." I try to get up again but he laid me back down, chuckling.

"Stop running ma."

"I ain't gone be able to run." I mumble as he positioned himself. I bit my lip as he slowly slid into me slowly. He watched my face, The whole time in satisfaction. It hurted like hell but growing up in the household I lived in, my momma ain't raise no Bitch.

"Kenn-trell!" I moan, as he pounded into my small frame.


Yeah we just gonna end it right there🥴

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