chapter 9

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Camila's POV

{present day}

It was a tiring day, a very tiring one. After having such a big fight with Shawn and him completely ignoring me, I just could not focus on anything.

I went to the studio and just sat there, without any idea about what else to do. I tried writing some lyrics but Shawn's voice kept ringing in the back of my head, making me think of nothing about the argument from this morning.

I picked up the guitar and strung the chords, bringing back memories from that one specific day back in high school.

That one day that started all this, that one day which just like a butterfly, flapped its wings and set off a butterfly effect.

"Are you okay? You seem very distracted." My co-writer Aaron asked. My music producer and the other technicians looked up at me.

Not really.

"Yeah. Yeah. I just can't really wrap my head around what to write about. I suddenly feel like I have no emotions anymore." I chuckled to tone down the seriousness hiding behind ny remark, but I guess the hurt in my tone was pretty evident because it didn't take Aaron too long to leave his seat and wrap me in his arms.

My emotions brimmed upto my throat, forming a lump and removing all the moisture from my mouth. My eyes eventually gave in, streaming down a river from them. I sobbed into Aaron's arms as they comforted me, his hands rubbing my back gently.

"Do you want to go home and have some drinks?" Aaron whispered, his chin on the top of my head. I nodded and he quickly started packing everything up.

We were soon in a car, heading back to my place. The car was filled with very faint radio music and none of us were really paying attention to it. I was looking outside the window, a few tears still escaping my eyes and Aaron was on his phone. But when our driver started increasing the volume, making it more and more prominent, I heard a song that left me even more shattered.

"Cause after all these years
I still feel everything when you are near.."

"Turn down the volume David." I told my driver.
"But that's your song Camila!" He replied, his tone very cheery.

Yes, a song I wrote about a boy I had fallen for three years ago and maybe am still in love with, but he went and stomped right on my heart. I can't forget that. Ever. He chose another girl over me and rejected me, even after making me think that he was in love with me too. But now it's worse, he doesn't even want to talk to me and it's all my fault. I never should've said yes.

{3 years ago}

I opened the door to reveal Shawn standing on the opposite side of it. He had a backpack on and a guitar case in his hand. He pushed his stray lock of hair back, before looking up to me.
"I do have a guitar you know? You didn't need to carry that." I pointed towards the heavy load in his hand.

"Yeah I know." He simply said.
I shrugged and opened the door for him to brush past me and head into the house.
"Is your friend here?" Mom asked from the living room.

I had made sure she knew about Shawn teaching me guitar, but she wasn't the most happy to hear it. She explained that it wasn't too clever of me to not discuss this with my parents beforehand; but I did manage to persuade her.

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