chapter 25

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Camila's POV

{present day}

I woke up the next day with a really bad headache. I checked my phone and my eyes widened in shock at the amount of calls and messages I had got.

What the fuck happened? How much did I drink? I can't remember anything.

I sat up and noticed I was completely naked under my sheets. I looked around the room to find my clothes thrown all around the place.

Shit. I slept with someone last night. I can't remember who.

The place next to me on the bed was empty and cold.

Did I have a one night stand with someone? And now I can't even remember who. This just doesn't sound like something I would do.

My phone started ringing, startling me. It was my manager Stacy.

"Get to the office in five minutes or you'll be in grave danger." She spat.
"What?" I asked, confused.
"Just get over here Camila. The situation has gotten out of hand. Where were you? I've been calling you since last night." She was mad.

"Stacy I can't remember anything. I got a bit too drunk."
"A bit? Yeah sure. Just come to the office. I'll send a security team right over. We have a lot to talk about." She put down the phone.

Security team? How bad was the situation? Did my one night stand become public somehow? Did I do something really stupid when drunk?

My hands twitched to click on my notifications that were just flooding in, but I was scared of find out what I did.

I quickly got off the bed and put on some clothes. I brushed my teeth, washed my face and tied up my hair before heading out.

A security team of six people were waiting for me outside my apartment. The amount of paparazzi and fans was absolutely overwhelming.

"Camila! Why are you and Shawn fighting? Is it because of your current boyfriend? Did Shawn cheat on you?" There were questions coming at me from everywhere. I ignored them and got in my car.

So this is all because of my fight with Shawn last night. What have I done? I remember fighting with Shawn and then leaving him. But everything after that is blurry. Does everyone know about what actually happened between the both of us? Did I blurt it out or something? I'm so confused.

I took a deep breath and unlocked my phone to check all the calls and messages. There were twenty missed calls from Stacy alone, and tons and tons of messages from other people, from my management team, my friends, my family and basically everyone that I ever knew. The social media sites were pretty crazy as well.

I sighed and opened my mother's messages.

M : Mila what is going on?
M : are you okay?
M : call me when you can baby, we're all worried.

I also checked the messages from Stacy.

S : Camila wtf are you doing?
S : pick up the damn phone!
S : do you want a fucking lawsuit? Why would you hit Mendes?
S : Camila dont make me come to your house!
S : stop acting so childish and pick up your phone!
S : the record label called and now they want to have a meeting tomorrow
S : you better hope they dont drop you
S : Camila you not picking up is making things worse
S : why would you openly go out with Anthony Barrymore?
S : I thought we talked about this!
S : now people have more reasons to hate you
S : They know all about Anthony and are claiming you guys are together
S : I warned you about hanging out with him so openly
S : I cant fucking wait for the cheating rumours
S : you have officially ruined your entire image

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