1) Doctor Imagine Part 1

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A/N Hey everyone! I had this idea and I wanted to try it out, so if you like it, please vote and comment👍🏻👍🏻


Avery's/Third person POV
My name is Avery and I am 15 years old. I have light brown/blonde hair and bright blue eyes. My mom has just yelled for me to get ready to go somewhere but she won't tell me where. I get dressed in light blue jeans and a top and head downstairs where my mom is eagerly waiting.

We get in the car and once again I ask her where we are going but no response. All she says is "I love you, you know that right?"

"Mom stop your scaring me". My heart beat quickens and my breathing becomes ragged and short. I hate surprises and she knows that...I have a bad past with my past family and she knows that, yet she still chooses to do this.

Yes, she is not my real mother, she adopted me after what my other adoptive parents did to me. Before I knew it, the car stopped, pulling me out of my trance. Then I saw it....we were at the HOSPITAL!

"No no no mom what are we doing here?" I say completely panicked.

"Sweetheart I know you don't like doctors but I know some people here and they won't hurt you I promise. And you need a checkup, you haven't had one in many years." My mom said trying to calm me.

"Mom please don't do this, I'll do anything...pl..please mom" I sobbed. I couldn't do this. I couldn't I was too scared. Thinking about doctors brought up bad memories and I started crying hysterically, begging my mom to do anything but this.

(A/N: Triggering, should not read if it will trigger something)
**Flashback** I was in the corner of the room trying to make myself as small as I could. They haven't come in today so I know they were coming soon. As if they read my thoughts, they walked  in the cell, each in lab coats and gloves with masks over their faces. They smirked and you could see the evil in their eyes. They came at me and grabbed me, throwing me in the table for today's beating. "Hello daughter"  the women spit at me. Felling a newfound sense of confidence I spat back "you aren't my mother and he isn't my father! I hate you". I knew it was a bad idea but I didn't know just how bad it could get. He tied me to the wall and whipped me while she threw heated knives into my back. I screamed in pain and that just cause him to whip me harder saying "shut up bitch, no one cares for you! You're just  a fat slut with no one" . I sobbed and screamed but they wouldn't stop. She finally left the room and he untied me only to tie me back up to the table. Then came the worst part. He forced himself on me and in me. I tried to fight and scream but nothing came out and my body wouldn't work. Once he was done he threw me on the floor and walked out. **End of Flashback**

I became conscious again but I couldn't move. I must have passed out in the car. I tried to open my eyes but I couldn't. I stated to get really scared thinking the worst and then I heard a beeping getting faster and faster and I panicked even more. By this time I was terrified and forced my eyes open only to shut them again when I was met with bright light. I slowly opened my eyes and I soon realized I was in the hospital. The exact place I didn't want to be.

My breathing quickened and I felt like I couldn't breathe. I was so scared, and I tried to rip the iv out of my arm. Once I got it out and ripped off the mask on my face, I crawled to the other side of the room and curled in a ball in the corner. I can't believe my mom did this to me. They were going to hurt me just like my old parents.

Did I mention my parents were doctors? Yeah that's why I am terrified right now. And to make it worse, four huge men burst through the door making me whimper in fear. I started shaking and panicking.  They frantically search the room and see the empty bed but not me yet. "Where'd the hell she go?" One of them yelled. Then another one smacked him in the head calling him an idiot.

"Cam go search the bathroom and the rest of us will search the room" one of them said. Then his eyes met mine and he slowly started towards me. I whimpered again and he stopped which I was greatful for. Then he said "guys can you leave the room for a little bit? I can handle this".

"Tyler you sure? I can get a sedative if needed?" Another one said to him. That make me whimper again, shaking my head. The guy named Tyler  glanced over at me and turned back around and said "no it's fine just give me a few minutes".

The other three looked at each other and walked out of the room but Tyler stayed. He looked back over at me and slowly put his hands up, and walked towards me again. My shaking got worse and I couldn't breathe. I think he noticed because he said softly "it's okay Avery, it's just me in here. It's okay I am not going to hurt you but I need you to come out of the corner so I can help you. Avery can you please let me help you?".

I started shaking my head and murmuring incoherent words. I got lightheaded and was hyperventilating which he noticed. This caused him to get closer to me and say "I am sorry Avery but I have to help you and this is the only way I can. Please don't freak out I am just trying to help you". He then got even closer and put his arms out.

I started looking for a way out feeling trapped and I tried squirming and moving. He then grabbed me and picked me up bridal style. That was a big mistake because I kicked and fought and screamed and this resulted in him loosing his grip and dropping me. The way he was carrying me caused me to fall on my back, hearing multiple cracks and immense pain to spread in my ribs.

I screamed out in pain and tried to get away from the man who was clearly trying to hurt me. He only tried to get closer to me and kept saying sorry over and over again. He yelled to the other guys and they came rushing in, immediately analyzing the scene.

Then one of them ran towards me with a needle in hand. I didn't think I could have gotten anymore scared but I did and began sobbing uncontrollably.

He inserted the needle and I heard the words "shh it's okay go to sleep, you're safe here" before I passed out again.


A/N Okay so if you all like it, I will do a part two when she wakes up and I might be taking requests but I don't know yet. Please give me feedback so I can get better! And please tell me if you want a part 2!!

Thanks!! -Kayla

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