15) Medical Student Imagine

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Hiya! Another one of my ideas that I come up with. I just kinda daydream and voila! Anyways, have fun reading!

Goal for this chapter: 10 votes

Darcy POV
It has a pretty normal school day, I had been going through my classes and it was near the end of the day.

My last hour of school was my favorite class: anatomy. I wanted to be a pediatrician when I graduated high school, which was only two years away.

My anatomy teacher had explained that a medical student who was interning at the hospital was coming in today to help us with a lab. It was our blood pressure lab.

I was very excited for the lab because I loved to learn about all of it. She said we were going to be able to learn how to take other people's blood pressure.

Going into our lab room, I see my teacher talking to a young male dressed in dark blue scrubs with a stethoscope hanging from his neck.

I'm not going to lie, he was pretty cute, but knowing he was our teacher for today, I tried to suppress my stupid teen hormones.

I sat in my normal seat next to my lab partner, Gracelyn and waited for the class to start.

"I hope that cutie takes my blood pressure" Gracie blurts out.

"He's going to be our teacher Gracie! Don't say that!" I whisper-yelled.

She put her hands up in surrender and continued to drool over the med student.

"Okay class you all know what we are doing today so I will just let Dr. Miller explain" Mrs. Lanner, our teacher, explained. She then nodded towards Dr. Miller to start.

"Right..uh so you all have a kit on your table. It contains the blood pressure cuff(already put together), a stethoscope, and some gloves. I want you all to put on the gloves because you will be touching other people and we want to be sanitary" he spoke, pausing so everyone could get their gloves on, including Gracie and I.

"Now, to do this properly, you will need to search for the artery in the upper arm. Once you have found it, put the cuff on your partner and secure it lightly. Put the bell of the stethoscope on the arm, lining up with the artery, and inflate the cuff to about 180. Then record the top number as when the needle starts jumping and the bottom number as when it stops jumping up and down. Then deflate the cuff and repeat with the other partner. If you have questions, please raise your hand and wait" he explained, letting out a breath.

Turning to Gracelyn, we decide that she will take mine first. She puts her fingers on my arm and attempts to find the artery.

Finally finding it, she slides the cuff on my arm and pulls it tight.

Wasn't it supposed to be loose?

She then puts the stethoscope on my arm and turns the knob on the cuff, allowing her to squeeze the pump. She rapidly inflates the cuff and then stops and listens.

The cuff was really tight but I guess that's just how it worked. I had gotten my blood pressure taken before, but I don't remember it enough to know what was right and wrong.

She takes the stethoscope out of her ears and starts shaking her head.

"I don't know what numbers to do, I can't see the line very well. I'm going to try it again and see if I can get it" she said.

"Okay but be quick, my arm is kind of going numb" I said, laughing lightly.

Nodding, she inflated the cuff once more, increasing the pressure on my arm, kind of cutting off my circulation.

After about five minutes of her trying to find my pressure, it started to hurt really bad.

Not enough blood was getting to my lower arm and I could barley feel it anymore. I waved to Gracelyn to stop but she just said a few more seconds and she would get it. Those seconds turned into minutes and by that time, tears were flowing down my face because of the pain.

Gracelyn, finally realizing what was happening, stopped her actions and frantically waved our teacher and the med student over.

They saw my expression and rushed over, concern written on their faces.

"What happened? What's wrong?" Dr. Miller questioned.

I let Gracie speak because I was choked up on my tears. "I was trying to take her BP and I couldn't find it and I was trying and trying and I think I left the cuff on to long and I think it is hurting her and I'm so sorry Darcy!" She rambled in panic.

"Mrs. Lanner, I need you to take her outside to calm down and I will take care of this, okay?" The medical student commanded, pointing at Gracie.

Mrs. Lanner nodded and led Gracelyn outside the class.

Taking Gracelyn's spot in front of me, Dr. Miller sits down and puts his own pair of blue gloves on.

I was almost sobbing at this point because of the pain and fear.

"Okay sweetie, I'm going to take this cuff off of you now but I don't want you to be scared alright? Everything is going to be okay and all I want to do is help, sound good?" He asked, his voice in a calm manner.

Nodding, I let him take off the blood pressure cuff and take my arm into his gloved hands.

As soon as it came off, I let out a strangled cry, gaining the attention of everyone in the room.

"How much does it hurt? And do you have any feeling in your arm?" He asked, inspecting and poking my arm.

"I-it hur-hurts a l-lot" I said in between hiccups.

Giving me a sympathetic look, he brought me into a hug, engulfing me in his big arms.

"Shh it's okay now, you will be alright" he comforted.

Suppressing my cries, I pulled back from the hug and let him look at my now weakened arm.

"It doesn't look like their is any muscle damage, the blood just needs some time to circulate. Make sure to get plenty of water and go easy on your arm for the rest of the day" he said, still poking and prodding my hand and arm.

Nodding at his instructions he let me go home from class early, even helping me with my bag and everything.

"Thank you Dr. Miller"

"Your very welcome sweetie, take care of yourself"

Okay guys, I'm so sorry because this was so anti-climactic and it was so boring in my eyes. I completely understand if this doesn't get many votes...anyways,
Thanks for reading,
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