30) Boyfriend Imagine

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I know what you are thinking. Why the hell did this take me so long and what does this have to do with anything medical. Well, just read and find out okay?!

Without further ado,
(Also ignore the fact that it is very non realistic)

Anna POV
Those types of cases never got any easier. They were always so taxing and practically take the life out of me. This was only my second year of practicing law and I loved it to death but it didn't come without its moments of horror.

I was a defense lawyer or defense attorney and I had just spent almost all of my day defending my client, a little girl who was kidnapped by a gang for leverage.

Somedays I just wanted to curse whatever god was up there and ask why people were the way they were. I can't understand how horrible things like these happen.

But nonetheless, I was done with the case and had fortunately won, so my day had a very good ending.

I pass the street shops as I am walking back home to my boyfriend of four years. I love the man to death and I'm hoping he will ask me to marry him soon.

He was only a year older than me at 28 and was a second year medical resident. Especially since he specializes in trauma and the ER, he has long hours and I never know quite when he will be home, but he has the next two days off due to his last 24 hour shift.

Because I am off in my own little world daydreaming about my boyfriend, I don't realize the multitude of footsteps behind me.

3rd person POV
The two dark figures following the woman got closer and closer until they were about to reach out and grab her shoulders.

Immediately covering her mouth with their hands, the helpless woman was pulled into a nearby alleyway where she was thrown into the wall.

A sharp cry rang throughout the cool night air and the woman fervently begged for her life to be spared.

They cut off her cries with a slap to the face, leaving a red handprint behind.

Desperately she tried to crawl away from the violent men, but her attempt was futile as her ankle was grabbed and she was pulled back forcibly.

Not wasting another minute before someone heard and called the cops, they completed their orders by kicking the helpless woman in the side repeatedly, ignoring her screams.

Satisfied with hearing multiple cracks, the two dark figures sniggered and walked away from the crying heap on the cold pavement.

What was worse about the entire situation was that the men were wearing masks, so identifying them would be useless.

Anna POV
Sharp pains stabbed at sides as I realized I must have multiple broken ribs.

Taking inventory of all of my injuries, I slowly and painfully pick myself up off of the pavement and stable myself with the brick wall.

I needed to get back home to Cole where he could help me.

Realizing I was only about five minutes away from my home, I used the sides of buildings to stable myself enough to walk to our apartment.

The walk was so painful and every time I took a breath it felt like I was getting stabbed in the side.

With one hand on my ribs, I raised the other to knock on our door, hoping to god cole wasn't in the shower or something.

Just as I was about to collapse from pure exhaustion, the door opened and there stood cole, eyes wide and mouth gaping.

"Oh my god Anna what the hell happened!" He shouted, immediately taking all of my weight and pulling me inside.

"Cole it hurts. My ribs" I sobbed, fresh tears streaming down my face.

"Okay, let's get you on the couch. I can take a look at you there. What happened?" He asked as he led me over to the couch, almost all of my weight leaning on him.

"I was mugged-" I coughed out, my throat dry-"I think they were friends of the guy I put away today" I explained, my eyes watering every time I took a breath.

"Shit Anna, I'm never letting you walk home alone ever again. Why didn't you call an ambulance?" He asked, gently placing me on the couch as I winced.

"Because I knew you were closer"

Kneeling in front of me, he took my face in his warm hands.

"Thank god nothing worse happened. I wouldn't be able to handle it if I found you on a hospital bed" he whispered, placing his forehead against mine.

"I'm okay, just a little banged up" I reassured, seeing the concern in his eyes.

"A little banged up" an angry chuckle left his mouth. "They could have killed you!"

"I know but I'm okay. We can have this talk later but please do something. My body hurts" I say, pressing my hand to my ribs once more.

"Right sorry. I'm going to take your shirt off so I can see your ribs okay?" He asked, watching as I nodded. It's not like it's anything he hasn't seen before.

"Oh baby I'm so sorry. How much does it hurt?"

"A lot." new tears were appearing on my face.

"Shhh I'll make it better it's okay" he comforted as he pulled me into a gentle hug, letting my body lean on him.

Pulling away, he put both of his hands on my sides, roughly pressing in certain areas.

"Ow! Cole!" I whined, swatting at his hands.

"Sorry, I'm sorry, I had to. But I promise I'm done now. It's seems to me like you have three broken ribs but I don't think they have done any damage to any of your other organs. How's your breathing?"

"That hurts too" I pouted like a child.

"Aww baby I'm sorry" he said as he pulled me in for a kiss.

"I'm going to get the wrap from the first aid kit and then we can just relax the rest of the night. You shouldn't be doing very much for the next week or two" he explained.

I nodded and patiently waited until he was back.

Once he was he had a couple of things in his hands. Ace wrap, water, pills, and his stethoscope.

"Okay take these for the pain. I'm going to listen to your breathing and make sure you don't have a punctured lung and then I will wrap your ribs. Sound good?" He asked.

I nodded, gratefully taking the pills and water from him and taking them.

I sat quietly as he put his stethoscope on my chest, sides and back. Nodding in each area, I assumed it was fine.

"It all sounds okay, but we will have to monitor it for the next few days okay? That means letting me do my thing with no complaints" he chided, cracking a smile.

"If you must" I joked back.

"Okay one last thing and then we can cuddle" he said before he began to wrap my ribs up.

The pressure started to hurt and I silently cried while he finished.

"Okay done. Aw I know that must of hurt babe, I wish I could take it away" he comforted, concern dancing in his eyes.

I only nodded and he sat beside me on the couch, gently pulling me to lean on him, which relieved some of the pain.

He kissed my forehead and rubbed gentle circles on my sides, making me thankful he was here to take care of me.

"I love you"

"I love you too baby"

Awww guys that was so cute and definitely one of my favorites.
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Thanks, K❤️

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