22) Psychologist Imagine (5SOS)

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This was a request from @hd1997 Thank you!

{Warning: this may contain triggering topics about mental health and or a psychiatric hospital.}

*information may not be accurate, I'm not a medical professional*

Hannah POV
I hated him.

He wasn't a brother to me anymore. After Luke sent me away to this crazy place he left me here and doesn't care about me anymore.

I wasn't crazy! But he wouldn't believe me!

Luke and his friends Cal, Mikey, and Ash dragged me to this place after I broke the mirror in my bathroom. I had seen a figure in the mirror and it was going to hurt me, so I broke it. I don't know why they won't believe me! There was a figure! I saw it!

"Hannah you have to take your meds. Please" Calum pleaded, holding two white pills.

I continued to ignore him. I was only a patient to them. They don't care about you. The voice in my head spat. I agreed with it. They were just like Luke.

"Han please don't make us get Luke! Just take your pills so that we can run some tests" Ashton begged.

That's all they ever wanted. To run tests like I was some lab rat. They had been arguing with me for 20 minutes now and I was getting tired of it. I rolled my eyes and turned my head.

"Fine. Mikey go get Luke. Tell him she won't cooperate" Calum ordered in annoyance.

My stupid brother was the head of the hospital and controlled everyone, including me.

"Last chance Hannah" Ash warned.

Don't listen to them. It spoke again. I knew what was going to happen. It had happened all the other times I defied their dumb orders. They would hold me down and inject me with sedatives until they could control me like a puppet. Then they would run their useless tests because I was apparently schizophrenic.

Both Ashton and Calum sighed as they awaited their so called leader. Dumb assholes.

Loud footsteps neared my room. My bland, boring, white room.

"Hannah" Luke practically growled.

I kept my head down knowing he doesn't like it when I don't respond.

"Why won't you take the damn pills?" He shouted, making me flinch.

I shrugged, feeling the anger rolling off him in waves.

He sighed in annoyance. "Again Hannah? Really? You want to do this again?"

I don't get why he can't just understand me. I didn't need to be here and they knew it, they just wanted someone to run tests on.

Out of the corner of my eye I saw all four boys step closer to me as I let the tears fall down my face. Their stupid drugs made me practically immobile where I couldn't fight back and I hated them so much.

"Hannah you are forcing my hand. If you would have just cooperated then this wouldn't be happening" Luke states as all four step closer.

At the same moment I looked up, my body was grabbed and restrained, causing me to fight against their hands.

They are going to hurt you. The voice pointed out, as if I didn't know that already.

"Stop fighting Hannah" Calum ordered as Luke readied a syringe.

Tears were streaming down my face as I let out a heavy sob, feeling the betrayal of my brother and his friends.

I stopped fighting when the needle was jammed in my leg, making me cry out in pain.

The hands on my body finally retreated as I lay there sobbing.

"Shhh Han it'll all be okay" Luke whispered. Why would he care?

It's all fake. They hate you. The voice spat.

I felt the drug go into effect as my cries turned into whimpers. My body felt really heavy and movements felt labored.

They all just sat there and watched as I shut down, the same thing I did last week.

"Just do her tests and get her back to her room. I'll come back and check on her" Luke instructed to the boys.

He looked back once more before sighing and walking out of the room.

I didn't want his pity.

"Okay let's get you to the testing center" Michael stated, grabbing the wheelchair from the closet.

I only rolled my eyes in response. They were used to my silence and didn't expect me to say anything.

Once I was set in the wheelchair, I was wheeled to the testing room, where my nightmares began.

I was put onto a cold metal table in the middle of the room and left in there while the guys were in a different room separated by glass.

They would watch as nurses came in and hooked me up to different machines. As soon I was prepped, the table beneath me moved into a big tube like thing.

I hated this part so much. I was completely claustrophobic but no one cared. Tears freely made their way down my face as I felt like I was suffocating.

As much as I screamed and cried they wouldn't stop the machine. It was torture that would last for an hour. They did this test once a week to see what was in my brain but apparently they didn't get the results they wanted last week because I was in it again.

The worst part of it was that as soon as I came out of the machine, I was once again drugged and sedated and taken back to my room alone.

Alone. Always.

No one ever came for me afterwards. They all hated me.

I probably deserve it for fighting them.

I was pulled out of the machine only to be met with darkness minutes later.

I'm crying..Anyone else?? I tried to make this as accurate as I could to the request and it ended up being very dark and I'm sorry if it triggered anyone's memories.

Hopefully you liked it, Hannah!

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Thanks, K❤️

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