4) Doctor Imagine

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Hi guys! Warning you now, it is not edited. Enjoy!

Adrianna POV
My name is Adrianna and I am 16 years old. I have my yearly checkup today with my pediatrician and I am getting ready right now.

(A/N: This is what she is wearing

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(A/N: This is what she is wearing. I haven't done the outfits in my other ones but I don't know if I should continue....do you guys want them??)

I have no reason to be scared so I get in the car with my mom without any whining. I mean I do this every year and my doctor is one of my mom's good friends so she is super nice. I guess it's a good thing that I am not squeamish with blood or anything like that either so that helps.

We arrive and my mom looks at me quizzically.

"Sweetie I have been trying to get your attention for two minutes now. Is something wrong?"

"Oh, no mom I just have been thinking about some things for school" I easily lie.

"Okay sweetheart, I know you would tell me if something was wrong"

Welp. Now I feel bad. Thanks mom.

**time skip of checking in and all that shit**

"Adrianna Hadler?" I look up to see a nurse in pink call my name and motion for me to come.

I get up and my mom follows me.
"Please step on the scale and we will get your weight and then put your feet to the wall to get your height" she tells me.

She writes the information down and leads me to a room and says Dr. Monroe will be in shortly.


My regular doctor's name is Dr. Ruby.

"Hey mom"

"Yes Adie?"

"Who is Dr. Monroe?"

"Oh that's right! I forgot to tell you! Dr. Ruby went on a surprise vacation with her husband. They switched you over to Dr. Monroe. I have not met him yet but I have heard he is really good with kids."

HIM? Did she just say HIM?

"Dr. Monroe is a He?"

"Yes he is but it's no different, you'll be fine" my mom dismisses my worry.

Shit..I don't want a male doctor, this will be so awkward. I don't want him to find out about my eating disorder. Dr. Ruby understood my thoughts and was helping me through it but I don't think I can talk to someone else about it!!!
(A/N : Jeez I should stop interrupting but oh well. I do not mean any offense against any male doctors, I just think it's a little awkward for a teenage girl to talk about stuff with a male. Just my opinion, no offense to anyone!)

I am in full panic mode right now and my breathing has quickened. Well there goes not having anything to worry about.

A knock sounds on the door and it slowly opens. He enters and turns around quickly to close the door before I could look at him. He then turns around.

Holy fuck! He stood around 6'1 and was very muscular. Now you may be thinking daddy😏😏 but I am thinking how I could escape because he is intimidating af.

"Hello, I am Dr. Alex Monroe, you can call me Alex if you want" he said in his deep voice that made me want to bow in submission.
(A/N: Not in a sexual way😑🤦🏼‍♀️)

"I'm Adrianna" I quickly mumbled out, feeling smaller than ever.

"Nice to meet you Adrianna" he grinned. "And I am going to assume your Mom?" He faced my mother.

"Hi Dr. Monroe, yes I am her mother" she confidently spoke.

"Okay, so unfortunately for you, I am going to have to ask you to step out so I can conduct the appointment with Adrianna alone."

My panic rose as I listened to him speak. I didn't want to be alone with him! Mom don't leave!

"I do this with all of my teenagers so it makes it easier for them to speak about anything and everything. Is this alright with you?"

"Oh, okay, yes that is alright, thank your for thinking about that"

No! Mom don't!

"Call me back in if you need anything. I will be in the waiting room when you are done Adrianna."

"Okay mom" I mumbled, not happy about the situation.

She left and he turned to me, smiling, "Okay, let's get started shall we?"

I nodded and he grabbed some things from his desk drawers and washed his hands, snapping blue gloves on. He turned again to me and moved to the bed I was sitting on.

"I am just going to take your pulse and blood pressure okay?"

I nodded and he gently took my wrist while looking at his watch. He then took my blood pressure and used his stethoscope to check my heart and lungs, telling me to take deep breaths.

My breathing however was ragged and I think he noticed because he looked at me sympathetically before pulling away.

"Okay Adrianna I just want you to follow my breathing and talk to me. What's going on? What's wrong?" He said while putting my hand on his chest, covering it with his own.

"I'm..m just n..nervous is a..all. I'm o..okay."

"Yeah you sound okay to me" he said with a chuckle.

I looked down as a blush crept up my face.

"If you are nervous that I am going to ask about your eating disorder then you have nothing to worry about, I promise"

It's like he could read my mind even though I didn't want him to. My breathing eventually slowed and he removed our contact.

He continued his examination by checking my stomach and back and everything like that and then he brought up the dreaded topic.

"So you are 5'5 and only weigh 90lbs. Would you like to tell me why?"

"Um...well....I don't know" I lied through my teeth, not wanting to admit I felt ugly.

"Okay well I am going to set up an appointment with my brother, who is a psychologist and I want you to talk to him."

"Okay" I said, knowing I could convince my mom I am fine to not go.

"And I am going to tell your mom that I would highly recommend you to go and I promise he is one of the best people to talk to about this"

My face dropped. No. He can't do that.

"Okay well I am done with your exam and I will see you next year, hopefully with some changes. I will go talk to your mom now, so goodbye Adrianna."

He walked out and I was too shocked to respond to him. I guess he really does know teenagers well.

That's a wrap people!

Haha okay I'm weird but whatever. Honestly this was one of my worst imagines I have ever done and I hate it so please comment and tell me if you hate it too😂
Anyways, thanks for reading, bye!

1159 words

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