17) Medic Imagine

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Hi! So this is a really weird idea but we're just gonna roll with it so here's this

Goal for this chapter: 7 votes

Aurora POV
Don't get me wrong, I love volleyball, but practices suck hardcore.

There are a few good moments when we are not conditioning or doing repetitive drills and that is when I love it the most.

My teammates and I were grabbing a quick drink of water before we had to get back out there. We were all dying because of the heat and the exhaustion and our coach was doing little to help. This was only our second water break within a span of an hour and a half. I know I really shouldn't be complaining but it is over ninety degrees outside, making the gym feel like a sauna.

"Girls! Hurry up we don't have all day!" Coach Luca scolded from across the floor, looking at his clipboard.

We all groaned in reply and hurried to get in our huddle, waiting for instructions.

Again, don't get me wrong, our coach is great, it's just that he can be a little asshole-ish if you know what I mean. He works full time as a medic for the fire station and our volleyball coach in the other time he has in his day. So I know he cares about us and doesn't want us to get hurt, but at the same time, he pushes us so hard it feels like we might pass out.

He is always carrying his medical kit into the gym 'just in case' as he likes to say. Coach Luca is pretty tall, muscular build, and very intelligent for what he does. He is always telling us to eat healthy, drink enough water, and stretch out our muscles before practice.

We also have two other male coaches, Coach Reece and Coach Mark, who are also kind of awkward when it comes to girls.

Coach Luca's voice pulled me out of my thoughts as he started telling us what we were going to do.

"We are going to be jousting, so two lines on either side of the net. Go!" He instructed.

My teammates and I got giddy, we loved jousting, it was one of the most fun games we could play. It was where the coach throws a volleyball up in the air on top of the net and both girls on either side of the net jumped to tap it to each other's side.

Sprinting to a line on one side of the net, the game started, our side winning the first one.

"Remember girls, this is less about the height of your vertical and more about your speed getting up" Coach paused to remind us, making direct eye contact with me.

For some reason, he always seemed to do that, make eye contact with me and no one else. He would tell me to quit slouching or smile more or just tell me little things that didn't really pertain to volleyball. It was kind of a weird relationship to be honest.

Anyways, back to the game.

I was up next, in my ready position to jump, when coach smiled his usually kind of pervy smile at me. It kinda freaked me out and I lost focus.

Coach threw the ball up and we both jumped, me tapping the ball first, pushing it to her side. However, my landing wasn't so perfect.

I landed directly on the side of my foot, hearing a pop and feeling an immense pain in my ankle.

I cried out in pain, immediately falling to the ground, my ankle buckling under me.

"Aurora! Are you okay? What hurts?" Coach Luca asked, frantically coming to my side.

I was full on crying at this point, the pain getting to me. I have never had a high pain tolerance.

"My ankle coach! It hurts please make it stop!" I blubbered, wanting it to go away.

"Okay Rory, I need you to show me exactly where it hurts, you might have dislocated your ankle"

I pointed to a specific spot on my ankle and then tried to hold my ankle but Coach Luca's hands pulled mine away.

"Don't touch it okay? You might make it worse. I need to set your ankle back into place...I'm sorry Rory but this is going to hurt" he said, frowning.

He gave me a sympathetic look as he held my hand, rubbing his thumb over my knuckles.

"Reece, Mark, I need you over here please! The rest of you can go home, I am ending practice for today!" Coach yelled.

My other two male coaches came running over, looking to Luca for instructions.

"I need you two to hold Rory, bracing her so that I can adjust her ankle. She needs to be still"

They both nodded before each coming to either side of me. Coach Mark supported more of my back and my left side whereas Coach Reece supported more of my legs and right side.

"I'm sorry Rory, but this is going to hurt a lot...but I need you to be strong for me okay? We are doing this without pain meds so I need you to hold on to Mark and Reece okay?" He instructed, his tone softer than before.

I nodded again, my tear stricken face turned so I was hidden in Coach Mark's chest. I assumed they just didn't want me to see what was happening so I allowed them to hold me.

"On five alright? And then I will brace it and it will start to feel better" he grinned, obviously trying to soothe my worried face.


I braced myself, tensing all of my muscles.


Coach Mark leaned down near my ear, "Relax. He has done this many times and he is going to make it as painless as possible."


Coach Mark and Reece were rubbing my arms up and down, attempting to make me less scared.


I was terrified, it was going to hurt. Coach Luca was moving my ankle around slowly, just to get it in place, finally finding the right area.


He yelled suddenly, jerking my foot to the left, hearing a pop as it moved back into place.

"Oww" I whimpered, starting to cry again.

Coach Luca moved my head from Mark's chest, cupping it in his own hands, looking at me sympathetically.

"I'm sorry little one, I had to. I promise it is all over now, no more pain." He comforted, pulling me into a tight hug.

After letting go, he grabbed a wrap from his medical kit and wrapped my ankle in a compression wrap.

"Thank you coaches" I told them, appreciative of their comfort.

"Of course Rory, now, all I want you to do is rest up if you want to get back to playing" Coach Luca instructed, in his no-nonsense tone.

I nodded, leaving with my mom after she arrived and heard about what happened. She was taking me to the hospital so they can get X-rays, per Coach Luca's request.

Needless to say, I was very thankful to my coaches.

Okay guys let me explain something....I wrote this because this relationship with the head coach is the same relationship between me and my coach. It is sometimes very weird and I need advice?? I don't know what to do cause it's kind of uncomfortable but fine at the same time...idk just kinda wanted to see if I could write it out and see if anyone else thought it was weird...anyways,
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Thanks, K❤️❤️

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