21) Doctor Imagine

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So sorry I haven't updated in a while....good news is that I've gotten a lot of work done on a new book. It's medical based and if you all like these you should check it out when I'm done with it😂

AnnMarie POV
I'm 22 years old for god sakes and no one trusts me to do my own freaking housework. I just have a stupid lantern outside I need to fix. It's on my porch but I have to use a stool to reach it which is why everyone is so worried. And by everyone I mean my parents.

Sure I'm clumsy but it's a little stool, what can it do?

I live alone, with a steady job as a secretary and own this small rundown house that constantly needs repairs. I usually have my father come out to help me but today I figured I didn't need it.

Climbing up on the stool with a new lightbulb in hand, I try hard to focus on the lantern so that I don't fall.

I smiled at my handiwork as soon as I had switched the lightbulbs and had the old one in my hand.

See? I could do my own house repairs!

"What in gods name are you doing AnnMarie?!" my neighbor Mr. Langston shouted.

Unfortunately for me I had just begun to take a step off the stool when he startled me.

"Shit! AnnMarie are you okay?" He called from his house across the street.

I groaned in response. My ribs were throbbing and the hand that sort of caught my fall was crushed underneath me.

"I'm calling an ambulance Ann, you just-" the rest of Mr. Langston's words blurred out as my vision began to darken. I must've hit my head on the way down.

That was the last thing I remember before blacking out.
Something was putting pressure on my chest and I shifted in a futile attempt to lessen the pain.

"AnnMarie can-"

"Wake up swe-"

"Can you hear-"

Fragments of words were being thrown my way and it was making my head spin. Who was calling my name and why does my body hurt so bad?

"AnnMarie can-" there it was again, that voice. It sounded familiar and something about it was telling me that the voice knew who I was.

I desperately tried to force my eyes open when I suddenly felt like I was in the air. A half scream half yelp was forced out of my throat when I landed back on something hard.

"AnnMarie can you hear me?" A frantic voice called out again. But this time it was completely clear.

I groaned in response. My throat was scratchy and words weren't coming out.

"AnnMarie if you can hear me I need you to wiggle your fingers" the same voice instructed.

I wiggled my fingers in both hands as I continually tried to pry my eyes open.

"That's good, can you try to open your eyes for me?" The familiar male voice asked.

As soon as my eyes did open, I had to shut them due to the blinding light that burned my eyeballs. They really needed to turn those off.

"The lights have been turned down, you can open your eyes now"

Water filled my eyes as I blinked them open. I was met with white as I glanced around the small room I was in.

A figure suddenly blocked my vision. He was dressed in a white lab coat with a metal stethoscope around his neck. He had dark brown hair that looked like it had been run through with his hands and freckles that dusted his face.

I finally understood why he sounded so familiar. He lives in the blue house two houses away from mine. He runs in the mornings when I'm watering my garden and I've had a small crush for about two months now. Well this is awkward.

"Wat-" I choked out, hoping he would know what I needed.

Luckily he understood as he nodded and grabbed me a water cup. I gulped it down and smiled in appreciation.

"I'm in the hospital aren't I?" I sighed.

"Yes you are. How did this happen?" He asked curiously.

"I was on a stool changing a lightbulb outside and I slipped and fell when someone called my name. It's really stupid I know"

He chuckled in a really cute but manly way that made my cheeks flush.

"It happens more than you think. I'm just glad you don't have worse injuries" he flashed a smile showing off his pearly teeth.

"What are my injuries?" I asked confused. My whole body felt like it was hit by a bus but I couldn't pinpoint what hurt the most.

"You have a small head injury, a broken rib, a sprained wrist, and multiple bruises. You got very lucky"

"Yeah it seems like it" I mumbled upset. "I didn't know you were a doctor" I continued.

"Yep, and I wasn't technically supposed to work today but a certain neighbor was screaming bloody murder and I came to check it out. When I found you on the ground unconscious, I brought you back here"

He flashed his hundred watt smile while I sat there a blushing mess.

"Sorry about that"

"It's okay. Since you don't have life threatening injuries, you can be discharged today and since I live near you, would you like a ride?" He explained, raising his brow.

"That would be great" I grinned, my blush not fading.
We were sitting his car as he was trying to convince me to come back to his house. He was claiming that he still needed to take care of me and that I shouldn't be living alone with these injuries.

"I'm worried about you Ann"

"But you don't have to be"

"But I do. I need to know you're okay and I can't do that if you're back at your house" he argued.

"Fine" I hesitantly agreed. Inside I was screaming with joy but I couldn't let him see that.


Okay I realize this is complete TRASH and I'm sorry...I'll try to make the next one better!

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Thanks, K❤️❤️❤️❤️

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