27) Therapist Imagine (5SOS)

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Hello everyone!! Here is another request from one of my amazing followers: @brideofharrystyles
Hope you enjoy!!

Emily POV
Today was my appointment with Luke and I was super nervous. I had a massive crush on him and only my best friend Mikey and my brother Ashton know.

Mikey was currently in my room helping me get ready for the appointment.

"You'll be fine, I promise. There's nothing to worry about!" He says exasperated.

Little did he know I couldn't stop worrying. I had both autism and anxiety and I couldn't physically stop myself from worrying.

It bugged me when people said not to worry because it wasn't just a switch I could turn off. People didn't understand that.

"Should I wear this?" I asked him, holding up a 5SOS shirt. Luke, Mikey, Ash, and one of their good friends Calum used to be in a very popular band before they decided to get other jobs. But they are still all really good friends.

"If you want to, sure. I'm positive he'll love it" he responded with a smile.

I grumbled back, getting changed into the shirt and jeans.

"Em are you almost ready?" My brother yelled from downstairs. I am 24 years old but I live with my brother just for safety.

"Yeah give me a minute" I replied.

After rushing downstairs with Mikey hot on my trail, we all hopped in the car with the hopes we weren't going to be late.

We arrived at the office with 2 minutes to spare, so we all rushed in and checked in with the receptionist.

Not even a minute later, Luke opened up the door to the waiting room and called out my name, a bright smile on his face.

"Good luck sis, we will be waiting out here for you" Ash said, waving to me.

I returned the wave and smiled as I followed Luke.

My nerves were at an all time high, and I felt like passing out.

Once we were settled in a room, Luke opened his clipboard thing, ready to take notes.

"Hello Emily, how are you today?"

"I'm o-okay."

"It's okay to be nervous, but nothing in here should scare you okay?" He said, motioning to the room.

Little did he know it was literally himself that was making me nervous.

I nodded, watching him carefully.

His hair was styled so perfectly and he just looked so good today, distracting me from what he was saying.

"What?" I asked, embarrassed I had been caught staring.

"I had asked if you had any recent anxiety attacks?"

A blush rose to my cheeks. Of course I did, but I didn't want him to know that, therapist or not.

"Umm a couple"

He scribbled something down on his notebook. I hated that little notebook. It contained everything I told him each week.

"And what do you think caused these attacks?"

"Mostly school" I replied, keeping my gaze downwards. I was in college but it was so much harder than high school was.

"Okay can you elaborate? Was it the homework or the people maybe?" He asked.

"Uh my classes and the people." I hated how I felt so awkward talking to him. I knew him and should be comfortable with him, but apparently not.

"Good, and how do you think they could have been prevented?"

"I don't know"

"Emily remember what we talked about last time? About how we can just leave if everything gets to be too much? Did you try that?" He asked in a gentle tone, making me feel disappointed in myself. I haven't been doing that because abruptly leaving the classroom gave me more anxiety.

I shook my head dejectedly.

"Can you tell me why not?" He again asked in a gentle tone that made me want to cry.

"I couldn't" was all I could respond with.

"Do you want to talk about why you couldn't?"

I shook my head again, scared of talking about my feelings.

I've always found communication difficult, but talking like this was infinitely harder.

"Emily it's okay that you couldn't, but we need to talk about why. That way, maybe we can find another alternative to just leaving the classroom."

I sighed and nodded.

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw him smile.

"Good. How about this time, why don't we try doing our breathing techniques in the classroom. Go ahead and try to sit in the back of the classroom where not many people can see you and you can be more comfortable."


"Okay try that and then you can tell me how it went next week because we are out of time" he said looking at his watch.

"Thank you Dr. Luke" I said, getting up off of the couch and opening the door to leave.

"You are more than welcome, see you next week!"

I'm really sorry if the autism wasn't portrayed very well, I'm not super familiar with it.
Also I'm sorry that this writing was not some of my best. Hope you liked it anyways!
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Thanks, K❤️

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