10) Doctor Imagine Part 1

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Hey guys! I'm back! This is a requested imagine from
Hope you like it!

Emma POV
4 months. 4 freaking long months.

I'm an orphan, or at least I am in my eyes. I technically am supposed to be in my foster home right now but they kicked me out. I guess it could have been worse, at least they didn't physically abuse me like my other foster parents did.

This is why I have trust issues. I am afraid everyone I meet is going to hurt me so I try not to meet new people.

I guess I should introduce myself. My name is Emma and I am 16 years old. My parents left me at an orphanage shortly after birth because they couldn't handle a child. I have been taken to multiple foster homes in this time period but all of them either kick me out or use me as their punching bag.

So here I am, on the streets for 4 months, begging for food and doing everything I can to stay alive. I am starving but I am not allowing myself to have my weekly meal yet. Every week, I beg or steal some food from the store on the corner to stay alive.

Just as I am searching my bag for my sketch book and pencil, one of the few things I always have with me, footsteps draw near to me. Leaving my head down, I cower back in an attempt to make them not notice me. But apparently, luck was not on my side today.

"Um excuse me, are you okay? Are you lost?" The strange man asks in his deep voice.

Then slowly, I raise my head to look at him, finally noticing that he is wearing dark blue scrubs, a concerned look etched on his face. A doctor...no no no this can't be happening.

"Pl-please do-don't hur-hurt me!" I whimper, scurrying to gather my things to run away.

"Hey...hey it's alright Kitten, I am not going to hurt you, I just wanna help" He says.

"No, y-you can-t help m-me, pl-please just le-leave me al-lone" I say, trembling from the cold. It was beginning to get colder at nights, signaling the start of winter.

"Kitten, you're clearly cold." A scowl on his face.

"Where are your parents? I can give you a ride home if you want" he says sympathetically.

Not knowing why I was telling this information to this stranger, I said "they ki-kicked m-me out."

He mouthed an 'oh' that was slowly replaced with a confused face.

"They kicked you out? Why would they do that? And how long have you been living on the streets? Kitten, you should get checked out by a doctor" he asked, purely confused and irritated.

"They are my foster parents, they don't like me very much, I have been basically an orphan out here for four months now" I say, my teeth finally stopping their chattering. Why are you telling him this? He could hurt you!

"Four months! What about food and water? What about warmth? You probably have a fever from being out her for so long!" I whimpered at his outburst.

He looked at me with pity as I shrugged, not knowing what to say.

"What if you came back to my house and I could check you over? In exchange for letting me check you over, you can take a bath, have some food, and sleep in an actual bed. How does that sound kitten?" He explained.

Don't go with him, he will hurt you...he doesn't want to help you, he wants to hurt you with his doctor tools.

"Umm no thanks, it's okay...I'm fine out here" I reply.

"Please kitten? I promise you I only want to help. How about this, if I make you uncomfortable or hurt you in any way, you can walk right out the door and come back here. I don't want to see you sleep on the street any more" he says, almost begging.

"But I don't know you and you don't know me...I would just be a burden" I say, looking down.

"Okay...my name is Dr. Brady Wills, I am 28 years old, single, and have a dog named Resse. And you wouldn't be a burden" he grinned.


But for some weird reason, I felt like I could trust him and he wouldn't hurt me. Don't. He can still hurt you.

"Do you have a name kitten? Or would you just rather me keep calling you kitten?" He smirked.

Why is he calling me kitten?

"Emma, and I'm 16...and I guess you know the rest about my life" I say with a scowl.

"Okay Emma, do we have a deal then?"

I studied his face, searching for any lies. But that was the problem, he looked like he cared.

"Okay but only if I can leave at any time" I bargained.

"Deal. Now, my house is only 2 minutes away so just follow me" he says, starting to walk away.

I hurry to follow behind, leaving at least 4 steps in between us. When we arrive I can't help but gape at the beautiful house in front of me. He looked at me and chucked, making the heat rise up to my face.

"Okay so why don't you take a shower while I get some food ready and then we can talk after that. I'll bring some clothes up too" He tells me.

He shows me the bathroom and gives me some clothes, telling me to use anything I want. This bathroom is amazing!

Dr. Brady Wills POV
I showed her everything and went back downstairs to make come food for her. She looked like she hadn't had a proper meal in years, and I wanted to change that, make sure she was the proper weight for her age.

As I prepared the meal, I thought about her; she was terrified of me but still chose to trust me. She needed someone who would take care of her, and I decided then and there that I would be that person.

I called on of my good friends in the adoption business and told him the situation. He said I just needed to sign some papers and she would be mine.

I would give her the life she deserves.

Emma POV
I had the most relaxing shower ever and now I was walking down the staircase where I smelled the most amazing smell.

He was cooking what looked like spaghetti and I couldn't help the grin that formed on my face.

"Hi, hope you like spaghetti, there is a plate at the dinner table for you. I have to do something real quick and then I will be back. But, I decided, if you would like to stay, you can stay the night and I will just examine you tomorrow. I don't want to overwhelm you today so we can just wait. Is that alright?" He explained when he saw me. I cringed at the word examine but nevertheless nodded, ready to eat a good meal for once.

He left the room and went to what looked like an office. I sat down and ate all that I could, trying to savor the delicious meal.

After eating, I was so tired I wandered up the stairs into a random room and plopped down on the fluffy bed. Within minutes, I fell asleep into a deep slumber.

Hi so I  know none of this is medical and I didn't include the examination yet but I needed to get a background in for him to adopt her. And just to clarify, he signed the papers and now she is his adopted daughter.
Hope you liked it!
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Thanks, K

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