11) Doctor Imagine Part 2

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Hola! This is part 2 so if you didn't read the first one, go read it!! Imagine for

Emma POV
I woke up feeling worse than usual. You would think after sleeping in an amazing bed I would wake up feeling good, but no, I felt horrible.

My head hurt and my chest felt like it had weights on it. I couldn't breathe very well and I was hot and cold at the same time. Damn it! I'm sick! While in the same house as a doctor!

I start a coughing fit as soon as I sit up and can't stop.

"Emma? Is that you? Why are you coughing kitten?" Brady asks as he slowly opens the door to the room.

He cannot know I'm sick so I try to hide under the covers and stop my coughing.

"You can't hide from me kitten..are you getting sick?" He asked, concern in his voice.

"N-no" I croaked out.

"Kitten please come out. I was going to examine you today anyway, so why don't you come down for breakfast and then we can get started"

Nervous bundle in my stomach which makes it feel queasy. I solemnly nod, knowing I can't get out of it.

I get ready for today and start my trek downstairs. (⬇️⬇️⬇️)

After eating only a few bites of my breakfast, I was full and couldn't eat anymore

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After eating only a few bites of my breakfast, I was full and couldn't eat anymore. I could tell Brady was disappointed but I was going to be sick if I ate anymore.

"Okay Emma, let's head to my office and we can get started" he states. At this point my chest hurt to much to complain and I just wanted some damn painkillers.

When he said office, he meant it. He actually had a whole doctors exam room in his house. Who freaking does that?

"Just take a seat on the table please kitten" he says.

I sit in the table and nervously shake my knee and play with my thumbs while I wait for him. He grabs his white lab coat and puts his stethoscope around his neck. Then he sits down on the chair across from me and starts typing on his computer.

"Okay Emma your chart says that you haven't seen a doctor since you were little, is this true?" He asks, shock written on his face.

"Ye-ah uh m-my fos-ter pa-rents n-ever took m-me" I stuttered.

"There is no reason to be scared kitten, I won't hurt you." Yeah right. Cause you don't have multiple tools in here that could hurt me.

He asks me a few more questions about my body, like if I had any concerns or anything. Then he asks if he can come and examine me. I really want to say no and run out the door but I promised and he has been very nice to me..."o-okay."

He comes up to me while I attempt to scoot back on the table. My heart is racing and I am pretty sure he can hear it.

"I am just going to take your pulse kitten..it won't hurt, I just need to grab your wrist for a minute" he explains.

I hesitantly give him my wrist while I try and not have a panic attack. Just as I suspected, he now knows I am scared out of my mind.

"Your pulse is very fast kitten....I promise I won't hurt you, this will be as painless as possible. Just try to keep calm" he says, not really easing my nerves.

I nod, pretending to agree as he takes his stethoscope off of his neck. "This next part won't hurt either. I am going to put the bell on your chest and all you have to do is take some big deep breaths."

He puts it on my chest and I shiver because of the cold metal. I then try to take a deep breath but end up in a coughing fit.

"Okay kitten, you have some wheezing bilaterally. I am going to put a mask on you that will help you breathe okay?" He says while grabbing a metal tank with a mask attached to it. He is going to put you to sleep! Don't take it..he will hurt you when your asleep! My mind argues.

He is about to put it on my when I start to scream and thrash around, jumping off of the table in the process. My breathing gets worse as I automatically push my self into the corner. He rushes over to me, kneeling down to my level.

"Hey hey it's okay kitten. I am not going to hurt you, its okay. Just relax kitten, take some deep breaths. What happened?" He asks, looking more than concerned.

"Y-you w-were go-going t-to put m-e t-o sl-sleep" I choke out, sobbing into my hands.

He sighs deeply, looking hurt by my sentence. "No kitten, I was not going to put you to sleep. It was oxygen..it was going to help your lungs get more air into them."

He could be lying. My mind was right...but he looked sincere. And he hasn't hurt me yet..so maybe I should just trust him? Contemplating the pros and cons, I mumble an okay and force my breathing to calm down before sitting back down on the exam table.

He sighed an alright and put the suffocating mask on me. I let silent tears flow down my cheeks at the weird feeling. He must have noticed because he used the pad of his thumb to wipe them away, muttering how it was for my own good.

He then explained how he was going to take my blood pressure and check my eyes, ears, mouth, and nose.

I let him do whatever he needed to do just to get it over with. Then the part that I was dreading came. He wanted to press on my stomach. I didn't want him to, it always hurt when anyone touched me.

"No, please I promise I'm fine. You don't need to check my stomach...I don't want to do it" I said, my voice breaking at the end.

"I know it's scary kitten but I promise I will be very gentle and if it hurts, then we can figure out why" he explained, sympathy in his voice.

Letting out a small sigh, I laid back on the exam table, my nerves catching up to me. I kept repeating 'he won't hurt me' in my head over and over again until I kinda sorta believed it. He slowly lifted up my shirt and puts his giant warm hands on my belly, rubbing in small, circular motions.

"Relax Emma, just tell me if it hurts. And if it does, then I will stop. Simple as that" he explained.

I nodded and looked to the ceiling, pretending a male doctor wasn't touching me. He pushed down lightly at first but then he added more pressure and it started to hurt. I cried out when he pushed in the middle of my stomach and he stopped immediately. Then he put my shirt back down and helped me sit back up.

"Shh it's okay kitten, I am all done now" he paused, comforting me.

Then he continued, "The reason why your stomach hurts is because your body doesn't have its proper nutrients yet and with you being so thin, wherever I press harder, it hurts you. We just need to get your appetite up and you will be feeling better soon. As for your cold, I will just give you some medicine and we will keep you on oxygen to make sure it doesn't turn into pneumonia. Any other concerns or questions for me?"

"Um what do you mean when we have to get my diet up....I am going back out to the streets after this" I meekly say.,

"Yeah actually I adopted you so now you are stuck with me and don't worry, I will make sure you have the life you dreamed of" he said quickly, almost scared of my reaction.

"ADOPTED?!" I screamed.

"Yep. So you better get used to these monthly checkups" he grinned like a little boy.

Well. Wish me luck.

Hope y'all liked it!
Also, please keep sending me requests! I love to hear your ideas!!
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Thanks, K

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