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******18 years ago******

I knew it wasn't long till they would realise I had gone missing and would come looking for me. I had to hide her. She wasn't safe with me anymore. Before I knew it I was standing in front of my best friends house knocking on the door. It was dark outside and the cold, winter wind sent icy chills along my arm. I made sure she was wrapped up in a warm blanket as she slept peacefully in my arms.

"Rosalyn?" Said my best friend Helen as she opened the door. Confusion and worry written on her face.

I made sure I was calm so she wouldn't think I was in trouble. "What are you doing out at this time in the cold, oh and with Lara in your arms! Is everything ok? Please come inside." She said motioning for me to come inside as she moved out of the door way.
"Helen, it's alright I won't be here long. Where's Mark? "

Before she could answer I heard a familiar male voice approach from behind her. "Honey is everything alrig-" but he stopped, surprise when he saw me. I gave him a small 'hello' smile. "Rosalyn is everything alright?" He asked concerned.

" guys are the people who I can trust and care about the most. I know you guys are good people.... And right now I have important things to handle, especially with me becoming the new Luna at tomorrow's ceremony..."
I didn't know how to continue without breaking down.         
So I took a deep breath and handed Helen my baby instead. "I know you're never going to get the chance to have one of your own, so I'm giving her to you to look after and raise as your own. I know you guys will do a good job".
Both of them looked at each other and then me as if I was crazy, not being able to understand why I was giving them a future Luna to raise.

"She's not safe with me anymore, but I know she is here. She's is only a couple days old."

"Rosalyn... No..Wha- I- I cant do this. She is the next Luna after you. You're meant to train her, how-"

I cut her off before she rambled on. "Rick will help you. I know he will. He's a good friend and fighter, one of the strongest."

I gave Mark the letter I had written earlier about what they needed to know. "I wrote down everything you need to know about Lara's future. Read it and then burn it. No one and I mean no one, especially my sister must know she is my child, tell everyone she is yours. Don't tell her you're not her parents until her 18th birthday when she receives her Luna powers and mark. Train her well."
"Are you sure this is what you want?"
It wasn't but I had to. For Lara. "Yes."
"Why are you giving her to us? Where are you going? What's happening? Are you ok?"

"I cannot explain now, but you will understand."

I looked down for the last time at Lara's peaceful sleeping face and rosy cheeks as I gave her one last kiss on her forehead.
I looked at my best friend and Mark,
"Thank you."

As I walked away and turned to looked at them one last time, they watched me from the door. I mind linked them both.     
'Take good care.' With that I disappeared into the night.


I knew the Luna ceremony was tomorrow but I had to make sure Lara would be safe. I knew she would't be safe with my sister near until I became the Luna. My instincts told me so and something I had been taught was to always follow your instincts

As I ran through the woods in the dark and in my wolf form back to the main building, my nose was hit with the smell of burned wood, blood and death. Vampire.

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