Chapter 22

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The tall, heavy doors screeched forward as the guards push them open for the blonde boy. Eagerness but also fear filled him from the important news he carried.

"Who dares disturb me during my meal." spoke a deep, menacing voice laced with a hint of annoyance.

The blonde boy walked forward, trying to muster all the confidence he could but as he got closer, he couldn't help the shiver of fear that crawled up his spine.

The blonde boy saw him sitting on his throne as he effortlessly held a human girl's body, who sat upon his lap limply, as he continued to drain her blood, dismissing the boy's presence.

The girl seemed like she has been drifting between unconsciousness and consciousness.

Would it not have been for the situation she was currently in, she would have been a girl with beauty to die for. She was stained with blood all over her neck and dark blood spots stained her black satin dress. Her wavy, raven hair cascaded down her back. She almost resembled an angel that had fallen from the heavens, wings ripped off as she laid in the devil's grasp.

The girl limp with fear, kept her eyes closed as he held her, not a sound nor whimper left her lips as he continued to sink his teeth into her neck, afraid he might get angry and hurt her even more. She had become accustomed to the pain that it no longer affected her so much.

The blonde boy knelt down on one knee and bowed his head in respect. "M-my King, I come carrying important news that will surprise you and come of great use."

This seemed to catch a bit of the Vampire King's attention and for the first time the King looked down at the boy, intrigued by his words.

"Important news" He repeated mockingly almost amused. "Well it better be of great importance because your life depends on it now." He warned

The boy knew that the news he had would be enough to keep him alive and so this seemed to calm his fear a bit. He wanted to please the King and he also wanted revenge for his friend,

"Well what is it, speak boy" He said as he started to become frustrated at the boy's pause.

The boy lifted his head up to meet the King's dark green eyes which were looking down upon him, just as his own crimson eyes stared back at him.

The King had a feeling that the boy was telling the truth about carrying important news by the way he saw the spark of confidence in his eyes.

Then he said the words that the King was not expecting.

"I discovered the existence of the last True Luna."

The King's eyes widen in surprise and shock.

This statement seemed to capture the Vampire King's full attention. He lifted the girl off his lap with one arm in a dismissive gesture and within seconds, two of his servants quickly took her away back to her room with the rest of his precious female blood bags.

The King licked the blood remaining off his lips as he stood up off his throne and began stalking forwards, closer to the boy.

The boy now feeling more confident, also stood up.

"Are you sure of this, because if you are fooling me, your head will pay the price." Eric Northman threatened in a low, deadly tone.

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