Chapter 12

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"Rick!" I shouted running past Nick and Colleen to embrace him in a giant hug. I let out a breath relieved to see him.
"Oh Kiddo!! I'm so happy to see you here, I was so worried, I thought I lost you when I found out what happened to.." he said breaking off, not ready to finish the sentence. I felt the tears starting to fall. Him being here only reminded me of the memories of him spending time with my family and I but I was also glad I hadn't lost him. Like I said he was like my second dad.

" sent him...they tried to protect me." I said through small sobs. "Shhhh don't worry I know what happen. I heard Stephan talking to Luna Eleanor." He said as he rubbed my back which helped me calm down.

"I wanted to find you but I didn't want to risk you getting hurt because of me." I said with a croaky voice.
"No you did the right thing. I'm just glad you are ok." He replied.

"It's been a while Rick. Good to see you are well." Colleen said from behind me, reminding me that her and Nick where still here. I let go of Rick to quickly wipe away the tears. I never normally cried in front of people because I hated showing weakness. This was even the first time I had even cried in front of Rick. But I couldn't help it and out of all the people I would rather it be Rick who saw me.

"Yes it has been Colleen. I hope you've been well too?" He said shaking her hand.
Wait they know each other??
"Wait how do you guys know each other and how did you know I was here?" I said surprised.

"I knew some how the spirits would lead you here and well uh Colleen and I use to be old friends when she use to hang around the Pack" he said the last part slightly nervous while looking at her.
I looked at Colleen to take in her reaction. She seemed to be thinking, as if she was studying his response. Weird.
"I never would have guessed you to would have been friends."
"Well yea she was always around Rosalyn while we sometimes trained."
"Wait you knew my mother?!" I said shocked.
"Y-yea we use to train a lot together since I was one of the strongest in the pack."

I opened my mouth to ask more questions but was cut off by Colleen.
"Why don't we discuss this inside. We don't know if Rick was followed."
"It's ok I made sure no one followed me." He said as we walked back in.

"Are you ok?" I heard Nick whisper in my ear when Colleen and Rick where further in front of us, so only I could hear. I guess he was worried about me after he saw me crying in Rick's arms.
"Yea I'm ok" I assured him. As I closed the front door.

As we walked towards them talking to each other about my training I suddenly had the urge to go to the toilet. "Colleen where's your toilet?"
Up the stairs turn right, go straight and then thirds on your left."
"I'll show you." Nick said and I followed him up.

As I wet my face a bit, I looked in the mirror to see my amber eyes staring right back me. Now that I remember they looked so much like Rosalyn's. I could see the resemblance, we both had tanned olive skin but her wavy hair was brown while mine was a dark brown, pretty much black. My eyes seemed slightly dull from the late nights of crying since that night, I could also see dark faded bags under them.

I heard a faint knock on the door. "Everything ok in there?" Nick said
"Yea won't be long."
"Ok I'll be back, I'm just going to get my phone which I left in the training room. I'll meet you down stairs." He said.
"Ok." I replied as I dried my hands and face.

As I walked down stairs I heard Colleen and Rick's hushed voices arguing.
"Why haven't you told her yet?"
"It was too dangerous for her to know.
I didn't want to risk Eleanor finding out." Rick responded
"Well when were you going to tell her?" Colleen said.
"I was going to on her birthday when she found out she was the True Luna."
"What about the tattoo? Hasn't she seen it?"
"I told her it was part of my training as a warrior leader."
"Well I think it's time you told her before it's too late,"
Their talking about me but why?
"I think she deserves to know you're her real father."

My eyes widened as I froze,
shocked at what I had just heard Colleen say.
Rick was my biological father?!

Yay I really wanted to drop this surprise since I know you guys were probably wondering who her father is haha.
Tell me what you think so far. I really hope you are enjoying my story!
Thanks for reading. Please comment! :)
Bye love you guys xxx


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