Chapter 5

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It was starting to get dark outside and I was in my room when I heard a knock from down stair's front door.

A few seconds later I heard my dad open it.

"Hello Stephen what brings you here? Is everything alright?" My dad said confused.

Stephan? What was the Beta doing at our house?
Whatever it was it must have been important because someone as high as him in the pack never usually does this.

"Where is the girl?" He said in a dead serious tone.
"Who are you talking about?" I knew my dad knew he was talking about me.
"Lara. Where. is. she. The Luna wishes to see her."
Oh shit.
I could feel something wasn't right with Stephan being here and asking for me.

My pulse was racing and I wasn't really breathing from trying to hear. I was about to go downstairs when I decided not yet so I stood at my door.

"She's not here." My Dad said in a calm but serious voice.

"You think I'm stupid. I know she is in there. You and your wife have been hiding her for 18 years and claiming her as your own. But I know who she really is now and so does the Luna," he whispered in a threatening tone.
"Now, where is she?" he said the last part with authority as Beta.

When my dad didn't reply I hear Stephan push his way past and stomp in with others behind him. "Hey! You have no right to be in this house. You have to leave!" My father argued with him and his men as he tried to get them to leave but they didn't listen.
"Search the house" Stephan ordered his men.

I snuck the door open so I could see what was happening down stairs.

I watched as my father started attacking the closest soldier to him but they were holding him back. He was out numbered.

I opened the door about to go down stairs when my mum was suddenly standing in front of me, blocking my way.
He expression was one I had never seen before, her usual cheeriness was gone, it was no replace by a solemn expression. Her voice was hushed but firm. She didn't look scared.
"Lara, listen to me. You need to get out of here, run and hide for a bit so they don't find you. The Luna has found out who you really are and is going to kill you which is why you have to escape. Do you understand?" She spoke quietly and calm a serious tone . "Mother, I can't leave you." I said in the verge of tears. "Sweet heart we knew this would happen some day." She said lightly caressing my cheek as she smiled sadly as if saying goodbye.

We both turned to the sound of someone's heavy footsteps came up the stairs. I could see my mum's eyes glow bright blue as her wolf was about to come out, ready to protect me.

The man saw us and went to grab me but my she lunged at him in wolf form and they tumbled down the flight of stairs.
My mum was fine and now fighting others but the man laid there unconscious.

All the other men inside turned to the sound. They must have figured out I was upstairs.
I saw my dad now in his wolf form helping my mum, defending her and protecting me.

By the look on Stephens face and his glowing eyes, he was angry.
He let out a murderous growl and shifted mid air before lunging at my dad.
I stood there watching at the top of the stairs in shock at the scene unraveling in front of me. What do I do. I can't leave them. But that's what they wanted.
I watched frozen as my he and Stephan fought. My parents were trained fighters. My dad was older but Stephan was larger and a more skilled fighter.

My father bit down on his front leg. Stephan let out yelp in pain. When he snapped at him my dad let go. Stephan was suddenly on top of my dad, while my dad moved ferociously as he tried to push him off. Stephan's large dark grey wolf clamped onto my dads neck and without struggle or hesitation, snapped it like a twig.
The harsh sound of his neck snapping filled my ears.

It felt as if my heart had being broken into a million pieces. Each pulse could be felt around my whole body like fire. My knees collapsed and hands began to shake.
I let out a scream in pain as I stared at the lifeless body of my dad's brown wolf.

I heard my mum's wolf wail in agony as she cried for her dead mate.

I saw Stephan smile satisfyingly at me through his wolf form.

'This is your fault. They protected you and now they both will pay the price.'

He spoke to me through the mind link before lunging towards my mother.
"NO!" But before I could stop him he had my mother laying on her side snarling while he stood above her.

She looked at me hopelessly.
'I love you.....Now go. Run Lara!'
Where her last words through mind link before he bit down on her neck and snapped it.

I couldn't take the pain anymore. I wanted to kill this bastard. No I wanted to torture him for what he had done.
But I was out numbered. I knew that if I stayed I would be taken and killed and my parents death would have been for nothing.

So I turned around, running into my room and crashed through the window so I could escape. I couldn't even register the impact or the pain from the glass shards flying every where.

I wanted to run back and face Stephan but I knew that's not what my parents wanted.

I was too numb to feel the pain as I landed on the ground perfectly in my wolf form. As I resisted the urge to turn around, I sprinted into the woods unable to stop or look back.

As I ran, I thought what my parents had told me.

"Challenge Eleanor."

and that was what I was going to do.

I was going to make her pay.


Yay new chapter.
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