Chapter 18

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As I got closer the smell and screams got louder and stronger.


I was guided to a dark dead end alleyway with no one in sight except the two vampires and the terrified woman thrashing in their arms.

The street which the alleyway was on, was empty and isolated making it a perfect hunting and kill zone for neighbouring vampires.

"Hold fucking still or you will suffer more!"
Yelled the older looking one which was holding her up and had his back to me as he sucked on her neck draining her out.

"Don't forget to leave some for me." Laughed the other vampire evilly as he yanked her wrist and dug his fangs in earning another scream.

"Scream all you want woman, no one will hear you. You will die like a rat here. Alone in the dark. Like the other's before you." Laughed the one sucking on her wrist.

When the woman saw me she screamed and thrashed even more. Desperate for help as she sobbed.


The one who was sucking on her wrist looked up, surprised to see me.

"Marcus. Look." The guy nudged the one sucking on her neck who I guess was Marcus, causing him to turn around.

He had dark brown hair, brown eyes which where contacts and scruffy facial hair. He looked to be in his late 20's. While the other one who was younger had messy dirty blonde hair, olive tan skin and green eyes.

Marcus let go of the girl causing her to fall to her knees weakly as she made an effort to scramble further into the alley to get away from the two men.

"Hold onto her Theo. I'm not finished with her."

The blonde one called Theo chuckled as he yanked her back towards him by the arm making her squeak in terror as he laughed at her.

I pulled my hood down exposing my face as my long, dark wavy hair cascade down my back.

"Well well what do we have here? A lamb walking into the lion's den?"
He chuckled darkly as he turned to fully look at me, taking slow steps towards me.

"You dirty, disgusting piece of shits. Let her go." I said threateningly.  

"Wow look at you with your terrifying threats and dirty mouth. I think you should learn how to be more polite, guess your mommy and daddy didn't teach you any manners."
They both laughed.

Marcus stalked closer towards me.

Having them bring up my dead parents made my blood boil and make me feel even angrier. The wound of their death still fresh.
I wanted to have the pleasure of ripping their heads off.

"I will make you feel pain for what you have done to her and you will be begging for your life." I spat.

"AHAH! You think you can make me beg! Darling, you have no idea what you have just walked into. I will have you screaming out for help like that bitch over there." He laughed crazily, pointing his finger at her.

"Show her how it's done, Marcus! Make her scream for her life." Theo encouraged with an evil smirk. His fangs were mere inches away from the woman's neck as if daring her to escape.
She let out a small frightened yelp.

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