Chapter 9

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I was back at Colleens house the next day as she had asked of me. This was my first day of training and I didn't know what to expect.

"Lara before we start there is someone I'd like to introduce you to." She said just as a tall, attractive guy around my age with chestnut wavey-hair and striking blue eyes walked into the room to stand beside her. He leaned against the kitchen table casually.

What the heck was my ex-boyfriend doing here?!

"Lara? Wha- I never would have guessed you were the one to be the last True Luna." He said surprised once he realised it was me.

"What are you doing here?" I asks shocked to see him here.

He opened his mouth to speak but was interrupted by Colleen. "Well since you two know each other we can skip right to it. Lara this is your chosen Protector. Nick wasn't allowed to know your identity as the True Luna until now for your safety." She said casually.

He just smiled and did a small salute gesture.

Wait my Protector. Him?!

"Every True Luna and rarely a Luna has a chosen protector from their pack. Normally one of the strongest. Their job is to protect the Luna from any danger. True Luna's are one of the most powerful wolves. They are not like regular Luna's. But like everyone they have a weakness. After a True Luna uses their powers to a full potential they become weak for 24 hours. The more sleep they get to recover their strength, the less hours they are weak and since they are so rare and important to the balance of life,the spirits have provided them with a Protector to protect them, especially during those 24 hours. Which is why they are trained at a young age to be skilled fighters."

"But why would I need to be protected?"

"A Luna's blood is a powerful source. If a vampire where to drink from it they would instantly be given 2x more strength for a short period of time and for humans a Luna's blood can heal any physical injury.
However a True Luna's blood is even more powerful. For a Vampire they would get 10x as much strength for longer time and for humans a True Luna's blood can cure any life threatening sicknesses as well as heal anything. This is why they are commonly hunted by al super natural and Hunters during their weak times and why Protectors watch over them. "

Great my ex- boyfriend was the one chosen to be my Protector. Oh god out of all the people in my pack it had to be him.

Colleen clapped her hands together
"So that is why from now on Nick will be by your side at all times."

"My Luna." He said, I heard a hint of sarcasm as he dipped his head to bow, or more like mock me. I saw the corners of his lips twitch up as a mischievous smirk played his lips.
I just rolled my eyes at him.
Still as annoying as ever. Jerk

But damn did he look hot.

"I don't need a baby sitter." I mumbled quietly under my breath.

But she heard me
"It's for your safety so no arguing."
she said like a mother would scold her child.

"Alright on with your training now." She said cheerfully. Guiding us somewhere.

As she was walking she started talking and explaining.
"A True Luna is born every 500 years. Their purpose is to make sure there is balance between the supernatural and human world. That is why they are given powers to make them strong. Most are trained at a young age to fight and control their powers but your powers were kept hidden, so remember your True Luna has only recently awakened meaning your powers may take a little longer to appear. Every True Luna has the same powers which are all physical wolf traits which have been enchanced such as speed, agility, strength, wolf senses, leap, bite, combat, durability and reflexes. However you will also inherit fire, water and air manipulation powers, the three essentials to the balance of life.
Today we will start with speed and agility first."

"Wait so your saying I will be able to control fire, water and air?" I said not being able to believe it.
By now we where inside large room with a gym mat in the middle.

Wow this house is a lot bigger then from the outside, it was like a mansion.

"Here," she said as she motioned with her finger and a long, large wooden stick floated into my hands and one in Nick's.
"We will start with spear fighting. I'm guessing your father has taught you this?"

I felt a squeeze in my gut as the memories of my father came into mind but I made sure the pain wasn't seen on my face. "No my father didn't train me. Rick was the one who taught me how to fight."

"Mmm interesting." She said, lifting an eyebrow slightly surprised and confused. She had this weird look on her face as if she were thinking.
"Lara I want you to concentrate on your speed and agility as well as strength."

We both walked onto the mat and stood 5 metres away in front of each other getting into position.

"On my word."

He gave me that look that said bring it on, as if I was some fragile china doll.

Oh man did I wanna kick his ass.

A small lock of brown hair fell in front of his face as he got into his fighting position. Feet wide, right leg in front, knees bent and fists up in front of his face as he held his spear.

I could feel a devilish smirk appear on my face. He gave me that small closed lip smile which I knew would make any girl weak at her knees, but not me, I wasn't going to show him that. Your going down!


Hey Fam! Thanks for the new followers, votes and comments keep it up, they really encourage me to keep writing so here's another chapter. Hope you loved it!!
Love you all!! Xxx :)

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