Chapter 14

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By the time we arrived at Nick's small house, it was already nearly 10pm. I hadn't heard anything from Rick or Colleen since I ran away which I was glad because I needed time to process everything I heard earlier today.

When I returned from changing into some of Nicks spare clothes which consisted of a black top, large maroon jumper and grey sweatpants, I sat on a stool next to the kitchen island.

"Are you hungry, I have some food in the fridge if you want?" Nick asked as he slipped a shirt and looked inside the fridge snapping me from my train of thoughts.

"No I'm fine, thanks."

My mind was too busy racing with unanswered questions that I didn't feel hungry at all.
"Ok, well help your self if you need anything."
He closed the fridge and instead grabbed a red apple sitting in a bowl of fruit on the dark, brown wooden table.

"You can sleep in my bed tonight and I'll sleep on the floor." He said through a mouth full of apple.

"No that's ok you can sleep in your bed, I don't mind sleeping on the floor"

I felt bad making him sleep on the floor.
"Lara it's fine I'll just grab a mattress to sleep on" he insisted. I knew he wasn't gonna change his mind and I didn't want to start an argument so I just agreed.

It was silent for a few minutes.

"Did you know?" I said in a hoarse voice as I stared at the ground unable to look him in the eye.

"Know what?" He stopped munching for a second, confused.

"That Rick was my father?"

"No I didn't. How would I, I didn't even know who the True Luna was."

There was silence for a few minutes and only the sound of Nick's munching could be heard as he leaned against the kitchen bench.

"I'm glad it was you I was chosen to protect."
I looked up at him, surprised but he was gazing out the window on my right and looked to be deep in thought.

"For a while I thought it would be Sabrina since she is next in line to become Luna, but for some reason I've kinda felt this ....connection, like I was being pulled towards you. But I was scared because I knew I had to leave you at some point for my Protector duty. That's why it was hard when I had to leave you."

I wasn't expecting to hear this from Nick so I was surprised. He never really told me any of this before. When we broke up he just distanced himself from me, gave me the cold shoulder.

I was confused and hurt because I thought he loved me like I had loved him.

The lock hidden somewhere deep within my mind which held those feelings Nick left me with were threatening to open.

The heartbreak I experience when he broke up with me, as if what we had was nothing. The anger I had felt with his sudden disappearance, the stupidity I felt for believing what we had was love. The longing.

The only way to stop the pain was to lock it and push it far back into the darkness of my mind where it could no longer be open.

"Is that why you left me..because you are a Protector?"

"Yes. I knew I wouldn't be able to be in a relationship if I was going to be too busy protecting someone else. Especially if that someone was another girl. I didn't want to cause you more pain so I left. 1 week after we ended it I had to leave for my training. My protector feelings and powers grew stronger. My wolf wanted to return to the pack, we wanted to find the True Luna because of the strong urge to protect we felt.
The day that your Luna wolf awoke my wolf was restless I went to see Colleen but she told me that I had to wait."

Hearing his side of the story made those feeling I felt slowly melt away. I was starting to under stand why he did what he did. But that meant the old feelings of love I had for him which I had tried to cast out, where beginning to crawl back out and resurface.

I closed my eyes tightly and shook my head, forcing myself to banish those feelings away. Even though I had heard his side of the story I didn't want to fall for him only to get hurt again.

"Are you alright?" He asked worriedly.
I looked up at him his bright blue eyes looking deep into my soul.
"I'm fine just a bit tired." I said smiling slightly trying to hide how I felt.

"Let's get some sleep then." He said convinced as he stood up from where he was leaning and walked to his room with me trailing behind.

---- Next Morning----

I woke up to the sound of a knock pounding on the front door. My eyes flew open as I registered where I was.
There's some one at the door.

My nerves where kicking in. I moved to the edge of the bed only to see the mattress on the floor where Nick had slept empty.

Where's Nick?

Quietly I swung my legs over the bed and made my way to the front door. The floor was cold as my feet padded towards the kitchen.
The sound of another loud knock on the door echoed threw the house. Making my heart race with fear and adrenaline.

Was it Stephan, was he here to take me to Eleanor?
Wait what if it was Eleanor?
How did she know I was here?

I gasped as strong firm hands grabbed my shoulder. It was Nick.

My hand flew to my chest as i exhaled relived. "Jesus Christ you scared the shit out of me!" I yelled in a whispering tone.

"It's alright, it's just Rick at the door." He said easing my nerves as he walked towards the door.

Shit. I wasn't sure if I was ready to face Rick. I considered running to Nick's room and crawling out his window to escaped the situation but thought less.

Stop it Lara! Your going to have to face him eventually. He's your dad.
My consious argued.

As Nick went to turn the door handle he turned to look at me as if asking for permission.

I took a deep breath as I held my head high and nodded.

When Rick's eyes met mine I saw him look relived that I was ok. I fought to keep my face blank. I didn't want him knowing how much I wanted to run into his arms like a little girl and hug him. After all he was the only family I had left.

"Rick it's good to see you again." Nick said as he opened the door to let him in.

"Glad to see both you kiddos are safe."
He smiled a bit nervous as he probably knew I was upset with him.

There was an awkward silence before Rick spoke up.

"Lara, I know your angry and upset right now but can I at least explain..please?"

I was about to argue but the desperation in Rick's voice stopped me and I nodded.


Hey guys sorry for the long wait here is another chapter I hope you enjoyed! Please
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