Chapter 29

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"Can you tell me what happened to you two?" Colleen asked Nick and I. I explained my side of the story to her first and then Nick.

"Well when I woke up, I found myself wrapped in silver chains and they had chained me to the wall. I was pumped with wolfsbane so I was so numb with pain that I nearly couldn't feel it anymore. Then Stephan came and tried to get me to spill about who else was helping us but he got angry when I wouldn't tell him anything. So then he started beating me up and said that's what I deserved for betraying the Luna. I was pretty much floating in and out of conscious the entire time really. I guess my Protector training really paid off." he joked in attempt to lighten the mood.

Colleen seemed to be deep in thought now.

I must have had a concerned expression on my face when Nick looked at me.

'Don't be sad doll face. I'm ok now. Back to my usual handsomeness.' he winked as he mind linked me.

Any concern now leaving me and I replaced my face with annoyance.
And you're usual cocky self. I said to myself but I couldn't help but feel giddy inside.

"How you holding up now Nick? You look like you've nearly completely healed which is good." Rick asked Nick, making sure he was ok.

Nick stretched his arms as if warming up for a workout. "Oh yeah, I'm defenetly feeling much better. The Wolfsbane's out of my system and I believe that Colleen's spelled tea's are to thank for that. What is it with you and your tea's Colleen?" he said skeptically.

She poked a finger at him narrowing her eyes on him. "If I must tell you, my tea's are most secret secrecy a witch may never reveal. Just be thankful for its healing powers." She then went back to sipping her own mysterious tea which I had no idea where she had gotten it from. Nick held up his hands in defeat, not bothering to find out anymore.

"Even if I were to reveal I don't believe you would want to know what is in it." She admitted, her eyes two slits as she looked at him sideways. I stifled a laugh at the sight at them.

I walked towards the large window which gave me a view of the pack house's front garden. I could make out members from both packs making their way to the grand balcony, revealing the soon to commence coronation and mating ceremony.

"It's about to start, we should start leaving." I said as I slid my black cloak on which Colleen had brought me.

"Yes I agree." Rick said as Colleen nodded in agreement.

Rick looked at his watch. "It's nearly 2:00pm. It will be staring in about 10 minutes. I have a couple pack members who have agreed to help up out. We can trust them."

"That's alright, I believe you Rick. If you trust them, I trust them." He smiled in appreciation.

Together we made our way down to the ceremony.


The cool autumn breeze blew against my face, as we weaved our way through the already forming crowed. I had my hood over my head as I followed behind Rick, with Nick and Colleen tailing behind me. Colleen was wearing her cloak which disguised her scent so other wolves wouldn't smell her out.

I could hear the excited murmurs of the people around me. I could also feel the pack's mixed emotions though the pack bond. We were like strings all connected to one another. I searched for Jades link through my mind. With Colleen's help I was able to block out Martha's darkness. Martha has yet to be in sight.

Jade..Jade..Jade... I repeated in my mind, more for the sake of finding her bond rather than mind linking her.

There she was, I could feel her, she was feeling nervous and tense but also determined.

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