Chapter 8

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As she lead me through the house I was surprised to see that it wasn't so dark inside as it had appeared to be from outside. The house was filled with light from burning candles, filling the house with all different kinds smells and illuminating the room.

"Tea?" She offered while making herself one.
I shook my head. "No thanks."

I wasn't excpecting this. I always imagined witches in the dark, doing spells or something, not living like humans. Everything seemed normal, well apart from all the candles.

We hadn't learnt much about witches in school only the important stuff like what to watch out for, which ones where good and which were bad ect.

She motions for me to sit on the couch in front of a small table, while she sat on the small comfy chair on the right side of me as she began explaining.

"Ever since the day Rosalyn saved me from being forced to work for vampires to craft spells. I knew she was a good person. She had a very strong and kind spirit so I devoted myself to stay by her side. I was there when you were born.
I was also the one who put the spell on you to hide your Luna wolf before she died."

A spell?

"What spell? Why did you put it on me?"

"Ever since the night of the full moon which you were born on, your mother had a very strong feeling you were in danger. She wasn't sure from what exactly. Not until the night she had suspicions of Eleanor and the feeling intensified."

I remembered my parents mentioning something about her before they died.
I listened carefully as she continued.

"She made me put a spell on you which put your Luna wolf to sleep and kept your powers deep within you until your 18th birthday which was as you can tell when the spell was broken. She knew that was the only way to ensure your safety from Eleanor.
When I first met Eleanor I felt a strong darkness within her, your mother didn't believe me when I told her.
The night she was returning from Helen and Marks house after entrusting you to them, she was ambushed and attacked by the vampire king and his clan. She was strong, she fought well, but she was out numbered."

"How did the Vampire King and his people get into the pack territory?"

She paused before looking into my eyes as she spoke.

"Eleanor... She set the trap for your mother, she let the vampires into your pack territory and when Rosalyn was too weak to fight... she killed her."

I felt the blood drain from my face. My breathing was becoming ragged. My pulse was increasing and all I seemed to hear was a small high pitched sound and my pulse drumming around me.
Budum budum budum

She killed my mum.
This whole time she new what really happened yet she lied to every single pack member. She told us that my mother had been killed by vampires but when actually she had been the one to do it. She brought them in, she was working with them. Oh god was she the reason why so many wolves had been attacked and killed by vampires recently?! Shit. what kind of alpha Luna was she! She was meant to protect us! We had gone from being one of the strongest packs to one of the weakest all because of her!

I was getting angry and my wolf was threatening to come out. I could feel my eyes glowing and my breathing was becoming heavier and heavier.
I could hear the witch's voice but it felt far away as if I was under water and someone was trying to speak to me.

"Lara. Lara listen to me. Calm down. Breath. Control yourself Lara! Getting angry now isn't going to help. You need to save your anger for when you challenge Eleanor. Breathe" she said to me as she tried to calm me, her voice sounding more clearer now.

After a minute I got my anger under control.

I was confused though. How did she know all about my mothers death? She spoke as if she was there yet she is alive.

"How do you know all about my mother's death? Where you there with her? How did you escape?"

"I was not there with her that night. She had told me to stay back at the pack house to make sure no one followed her. Once I knew she was safe I used my witch powers to see her through my mind as if I where there beside her but for this I had to be asleep. It all happened so quickly that I was unable to get help. I was not close with anyone in the pack except your mother. So I had to flee the pack and go into hiding. I knew Eleanor would be crowned Luna at the ceremony the following day since her sister was no longer alive and I knew she would try to kill me. I knew I had to protect you when your Luna was released it's the least I can do for Rosalyn.
Ever since then I have been waiting for you to be guided to my house by the spirits."

I could feel a head ache forming at the back of my head.
"This is all so much information. I feel like my head is going to explode." I was exhausted and wanted to go home.

"I know. You should get some rest I can feel that you have been through so much."

As I got up and she walked me to the door I turned around and ask what her name was, since she still hadn't told me.
"My name is Colleen." She smiled.

"It was nice meeting you. I guess I will see you soon Colleen."
"Come by tomorrow. That is when your training starts."
"Training? Training for what?"
"To control your Luna powers."

As I was walking down her porch Colleen called out to me. Her face was suddenly serious.
"Lara you have to be careful, now that you have your Luna powers Eleanor will stop at nothing to kill you so please promise me to stay out of sight. The vampires are getting stronger and you are the last hope to save your pack and the humans from them."
"How? I'm not strong enough."
"Yes you are. You're stronger then you know...You're different from the other Lunas. You are the last True Luna." 

The whole way back to the pack territory and Jade's house, Colleen's last words kept repeating in my head over and over.

"You are the last True Luna."

Hi guys thankyou so much for the votes and follows they really motivate me to keep writing new chapters! Love you guys so much remember to comment so I know what you think!!
Byeee Xxxx

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