Chapter 24

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After parking the car I weaved my way through the busy street. Since it was lunch time there where lots of people out and about laughing, talking and wondering around. I followed my nose as I caught the smell of a place I was all too familiar with. Taco Bell!

It was one of my favorite fast food places around here and the food is always amazing!

I swear I could eat everything on the menu here!

My stomach growled in hunger as I opened the door making a bell above me jingle, alerting the workers of a new customer.

"Hi what can I get for you!" Greeted the young blonde woman standing behind the counter.

By the time I finished ordering the lady gave me the same reaction every worker gives me after I finish ordering.

"Are you getting a table for two?"

"No it just me today."

She looked at me, then at her computer screen and then back at me unable to comprehend how I was gonna be able to eat so much by myself.

I just gave a big toothy grin.

What can I say werewolves eat a lot.

"Your order will be out in a bit. Here's your table number." She said handing me the number.

"Alright thanks."

I made my way to a table on the far corner located near the big window, giving me a nice view of the street.

As I sat alone I observed the people around me. Some times I wondered what it would be like living life as a normal human.

Would I still be the same as I am now? Would I go to college?

As much as I loved being a wolf it had its challenges. Our pack all relied on each other so much and we where pretty much rich so we never really had or needed mundane jobs. Only the rare few in the pack who didn't have a family had ones to keep themselves busy. There are always jobs to be done within the pack, such as helping out at pup school, in the kitchen, patrol, training, sometimes hunting, computer techs who would keep us updated with the mundane world, on the Hunters and teams which would go out in public to stop any rogue vampire attacks.

As my mind wandered I couldn't help but think about tonight's plan. I prayed everything went according to plan and no body would get hurt. Then I found myself remembering those icy blue eyes I had seen two nights ago. I was still confused as to why he did what he did.

Maybe he was just doing what werewolves are known to do which was protect one another, especially against vampires.

A a vision of his eyes and the way he looked at me played in my head and I felt a weird shiver of goose bumps as I physically shivered.

What is wrong with you Lara. Stop thinking about him he is getting mated already!

Was this a mate attraction? Could he be my mate. The soon to be Alpha of the well known mighty pack.


Then Colleen's words repeated in my mind, destroying any stupid further thoughts of Kian being my possible mate.

"Im so sorry Lara but True Luna's don't get bless with mates."

I remember when I was younger, I use to believe Nick was my destined to be my mate. I was so in love with him that it destroyed me he suddenly broke our relationship off and disappeared. It took me months for me to lock away those feelings and to use my training as a way to distract my self from the pain.

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