Kujo Tenn(overthinking)

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-smart but clumsy
-always being tease
-imagination too high
-perfect idol


Your POV

Kujo Tenn of TRIGGER,modern day of angel and demon.Really cute and beautiful man.But in reality,he is seriously so damn evil like demon,a really bad demon and he's my boyfriend.

Me!I am super popular female group idol with my younger sister called,(group name).On stage,I can show all of my mature side and i be known as ideal girlfriend. But when off stage,I'm seriously super useless and clumsy girl.

*sigh* what an useless person am I.......

Normal POV

You waiting infront of Yaotome Production entry.Wearing a cute (F/C) blouse,blue short jean skirt,glasses and mask.Then,you saw a man that usually with your boyfriend,Gaku and Ryuu.

"Yaotome-san!Tsunashi-san!do you see where's Tenn go?" You said.

"Huh!If you looking for Tenn,he already left before us.That damn kid." Gaku said.

"Chotto Gaku!Gomen (Y/N)-chan, Gaku and Tenn fighting before. Ouh,did you two set on date?" Ryuu said.

"Ah yes!But,do you guys know where he go?" You said.

"Are you really that stupid?Do people in bad mood will say where there go?That damn kid,he always do whatever he like." Gaku said with a loud voice.

"Gaku!!sorry we don't know where he go.We need to go.Bye!" Ryuu said with a gentle smile.

You only can waving your hand to them.Then you try to call him. 'hmm...he never avoid my calls. What wrong with him?'.After that, you walk away.Then you stop moving and thought 'what if,he starts avoiding me and found someone better than me..NONONONONO NONONONO!!!!!'.

《At studio》

"Onee-chan!!we need to get ready!" Your younger sister said. "Ah!gomen (sister name)-chan,I need go to the toilet." "Okay,but don't take too long".You only nod to your sister.

'I wonder if Tenn really found someone better than me,since i'm clumsy person'. Sigh.

When you heading to toilet,you see someone you know.You started to call his name but you see a pretty women and much mature than you talking to your boyfriend,Kujo Tenn.

All of your thought are mixing together.Then you saw Tenn moving slowly to that women into the wall(kabedon).You can't hear them but you feel like your tear falling into your cheeks.Tenn suddenly turn his head and see you(he heard someone there)."(Y/N)??what are you doinー!!" Before he finishing his word,your tears start falling more and more."O-oi, why are you crying?" Tenn is confuse.Inorge a women before and walk to you."G-gomen!!" You said that you run away.Tenn wanna know why are you crying and follow you.

"Gotcha!" Tenn got your left hand and pull you into the wall (kabedon."Why are crying?did I do something to you?" You're being silent after he saying that.Then he continue"Hey,about yesterdaー!"

Before he continue, you shout at him."Why are you still worrying about me?You must be found someone better than me are you?since I'm the clumsy girlfriend to you and I also careless.But,I still have feeling you know.I'm not someone you can play a fake love.I'm stillー!"

Tenn cut your words with a gentle kiss."So that what you got in your heart,huh?Finally,after a month we're couple,I finally got to know what in your heart,(Y/N)...." He stop then he continue his word. "(Y/N),my feeling toward you still the same.You're the first women that really clumsy and cute in the same time.Impossilbe I will cheat on you." He said and kiss on the top of your forehead.

Then your tears falling again. "I-i really love you,Tenn!!" You said. "Me too,even when you cry,you look cute 'just like mochi' " He said.Then he kiss your forehead again.

《After the crying moment》

(Y/N) : Hey Tenn,why are you did'nt anwser my call yesterday and who was that women?

Tenn : My phone fell and broke.When I go for a repair,I have 21 calls from you.Then it's broke again.About that women, she is our manager who is suddenly pick a fight.

(Y/N) : Ehh!!!!you manager?Gomen for my overthinking*sigh*

Tenn : It's fine.At least I can see you being jealous.Oh,maybe I need new phone.

(Y/N) : Meanie!!!!!!I guess you need to.

Anesagi moment》

Anesagi : I'm being leave just like that!!!!He's not that gentlemen huh.Gaku also like that.Both of them did'nt know how to respect me as ladyyy!!!!!

《(Y/N) younger sister》

(Sistername) : Where the hell Onee-chan go?we're about to start.Ah!Trigger!

Gaku : (Y/N)'s younger sister?Have you seen Tenn?he's suddenly gone.

(Sistername) : Nope,Onee-chan also gone.

Ryuu : M-maybe they're together!I guess.

Gaku,Ryuu&(Sistername) : *sigh* 'where the hell you guys going!!!?

Hey everyone!!sorry for the slow update.I'm really sorry for my late.I'm really don't have a better ideas.Anyway about Anesagi-san gender,I'm not sure yet if Anesagi-san is she or he.I said she because i just watch trigger seiyuu interview that Ryuu's seiyuu(forget his name) have said about Anesagi-san. Anyway,I'm not really sure if I already have any ideas for next update since i need to focuses for my exam next year and also my last year of high schools.So these holiday i have to spend my time before school start.

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