Rokuya Nagi(Please don't go!)

937 11 9

-very worried person
-loving person
-good at cooking
-half japanese-italian
(When I made NagiXreader,I like the reader half japanese.It made me easy to write😅)


At the kitchen,you bake some bread with a butter.Then you made some mushroom soup boiled hot.You can smell the aroma of boiled mushroom soup very yummy.Then you boiled the pasta and then made the bolonigse sauce.It is very tasty and have a good colour.After that, you prepared the table for 2 people.On the table,you put a beautiful red roses,an elegant candles and you put some dishes. Just like Italian style.

Then you take a look at the clock that still at 6.45 p.m.'I still have time to get dress.' You thought. Then you change into a beautiful black dress with have sparkle a little and tie your (H/C) hair.When the clock reach 7.00 p.m.,your door bell rang mean someone is coming.You feel very excited and hurry go to the door.When you open it,a tall guy with a blonde hair and dressed very nicely really made you blush happily.

"Nagi,you really came,ne!!" You said then he suddenly hug you gently."Of course i will,my girl." You smile happily.Then of you go to the dinning table.Nagi really impressed with your gourmet style."Did you..cooked all of this (Y/N)-shi?" You nodding with a gentle smile."It's really delicious!!!!" He said."Whaー!!really??Arigatou,Nagi!!!".

While both of you talk happily, Nagi suddenly ask a question that you does'nt need to know "(Y/N)-shi,I have something to tell you.". "Yeah,what is it?" 'What's with that serious face?' You thought while you take a bite of bread. "Tomorrow,I have go back to Northmarea." You stop moving after hear that and say "When.. will you get back here?" Nagi does'nt answer you.That's make you think something negative.

In that night,you in the place of nowhere.You don't know where you at.Infront of you,you see Nagi with his luggage.You trying to catch his hand and shout his name so many time but you can't get it.Then you see Nagi start to say something "Goodbye my lady, I will never come back anymore...."."NAGII!!!!" You shout and then you see the ceiling of your room."Ah!so,it's just a dream heh." You breathing heavily and remembering your dream.'I hope, it's not true.But,what's true' Your tears starts falling down and cry silently.

That morning,you only eat cereal. Bassicly,you will cook some of egg with beef bacons and a glass of milk.'What's should I do?He did'nt say anything!What if that dream true!!??' .You look at the clock and remember that his flight starts at 12.00 p.m.'I..still have a time to chase him.' You immideitly get up and get dress.You ran into the airport.Once you arrived at the airport gate.You ask idolish7 member tell her where's Nagi is.

At the waiting place,you can see Nagi sitting and then he get up. You ran to him and hug him from behind."Ah!(Y/N)-shi?" Nagi shock. But he more shock when he see you crying and you say "Please...don't go..Nagi*sob*Please don't leave me,Nagi." You can't help the tears falling and that enough to make Nagi shock."Oh!You must be worried I will leave you forever.But Iー!!!"

"Nagi!is the most important person to me.You're the first person that love me very much.I really happy about it...!!!" You said.Nagi try to finish his word but being interupt by your word "(Y/N)-shi!!!I..." When he starts speaking,you shut your mouth and want to listen to him."I'll go there for 1 week only." A noisy situation suddenly become very arkward.You eye even can't blink and your mouth open."Ehh?only for 1 week?" Nagi nodding when you answer him.

"You're the worst!!you did't answered my question before and made me have a bad dream!!!You the worst!!!!I hate you!!" You said while punching his arm."Hahaha! sorry,I thought it's really a nice to tease you a bit.But did'nt know wil turn out like this.Gomenne,(Y/N)-shi." You still keep crying and embressed at the same time. "Remember that you need for repayment of what you did!!" You said while still crying on this chest."Haii,Haii,promise." Said Nagi who is still patting your head.

Hey!!!it's 2.17 a.m. at my country and i did'nt sleep yet.I really want to finish this chapter tonight since my ideas has comeback.Anyway,this stories is for idolish7 part 4 where Nagi go to Northmarea. So,there's a person suddenly asked me to do a story about him.I'm not sure if i can mention this person or no🤔🤔🤔Anyway,I'm sleepy so the story grammar and language might be bad😅😅😅anyway, Good night and Good morning/afternoon!!!!!!I want to sleep😫😫😫😫😫😫😫😫😫

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