Tsunashi Ryuunosuke(make-up)

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-popular female group idol
-leader of group
-very mature but actually not infront of someone you comfortable with(example : Nanako & Ryuu)
-21 years old (just thought you're an adult if you still underage and above 21😅)

Sorry,a random name from me but you can change a random name of your group member by yourself.(i just confuse when write it without name😓)

(F/C) : (L/N)(Y/N),21(leader & mature person)

Red : Masato Chika,18(center & cheerful person)

Green : Orihime Nanako,22 (mother of group)

Yellow : Morisaki Ai,17(naughty, cheerful,active person)

Blue : Hijiwara Yuiko,17(serious person,Tsundere)

Orange : Hanamaru Mayura,20 (cheerful person)

(G/N) group name


《At your agency office》

"What!!!!!!" Shout you and all your member."P-president!all of us will do a live consert at XXX stadium!!!" Said the center of group,Chika.Your president just nodding and all of you really happy for it.

《At (G/N)'s dorm)

"Kyaa!!!!!I can't believe that we're going to have a live consert!!!" Said Mayura. "FINALLY!!!!!" Said Ai while throw a pillow at you."Whoops!got it!chotto,please don't throw a thing at me when you happy,Ai-chan!" You said and put the pillow slowly on the sofa.

"Looks like everyone very excited about the consert,ne~" Said the mother of group,Nanako."But aren't we surpose to practice?As an idol who did'nt practice after heard the conseー!!!??" Ai covering Yuiko mouth before she finishing her word."Mou!!stop give us a lecture,Yui-chann!!!you'll destroying the mood!!!!"

"Yeah!we surpose to be happy!You better don't waste your tennagers life,Yuiko!!!" Said Chika.Then the underage play together while the adults talk.

"Ne (Y/N)-chan,you did'nt want to tell him about consert to your sexy boyfriend?" Said Nanako. Hearing that make you blushing "Whaー!!!....well,I was thinking about that.".

" Ahh!you're blushing!!(Y/N)-shi, you should tell him!!Also ask all member of TRIGGER&I7 come too!!" Said Mayura while take a sip of beer."Chotto Mayu!!Don't drink too much!" Said Nanako.

After Mayura and underage group go to their room,you and Nanako still in the living room and do a little cleaning.

"Mou!they're really having fun too much!!" Said Nanako while took every of bottle and plastic on the floor."Even they're excited,please clean a room a bit*annoyed*" You said while sweeping the floor. Nanako just chuckle at your action.

"(Y/N)-chan,why don't you tell him." Nanako said.You just nodding then you go to your room.

《In your room》

While waiting him answer your call,you thinking what should you say to him.Actually,you easy to get nervous only infront of him.

'Ahh!!!!why the hell are you shaking like crazy (Y/N)!!!!!Even infront of Nanako-san too.DAMN IT'

While you thought of yourself, suddenly someone say hello and you realise it's Ryuu.

(On the phone)

"Hello,what's wrong (Y/N)?" He said.Even his voice from the phone enough make your heart beating faster.

"U-um,Ryuu...T-this Friday night at XXX stadium,(G/N) will do a live consert.It will start at 7.00 pm and please come with TRIGGER member and I7 too!!" You said.Ryuu just stay quiet for a while.

"Hm!Okay!I will tell them!Ganbatte ne!For you guys consert! I will cheering for you,(Y/N)!"

"Also!Can you do for my make-up!" You continue."Ehh?your make-up?" He said."Yes!It's because..our makeover staff not enough and also...you knew that i don't like anyone makeover me accept someone i comfortable with." You said while your hands starts trembelling."Hmm,Okay!I will take you at dorm before consert.So,we can have a little fun a bit,ne!" He said."Okay,see you at 10.00."

《In the morning at dorm》

"Gomen Ryuu,I'm late!" You shouted once you get out from dorm.Ryuu give you a little smile and say "It's fine.Oh?is that your make-up stuff?"."Yep!We're only have 6 hours left and i need to get ready." You said while see you watch.Ryuu just gave you a gentle smile.

You have a lot of time before your consert.Both of you go to XXX shopping mall,XXX cafe,buying a lot of desert and many more.

At 5.00 pm,both of guys just arrive at XXX stadium.You can see so many people buying a ticket and some of (G/N) merch.Since you are female group idol,of course many of male fans than female.

You sighing and say "Why are they did'nt buy in online only?".    "Maybe they're did'nt know where to buy from online." Said Ryuu.Both of you go to backstage and you can see all of your member here already.

"Yosh!Ryuu after I'm changing please do my makeover!" You said.Ryuu only nodding with a smile.

After you changing,you sit infront of the mirror.Ryuu starts with a simple make-up just like blusher then he puts some of mascara a bit.You like a simple and light shading so Ryuu just take a light colour,(F/C).Ryuu put some light colour of lipbalm not a lipstick or lipgloss.

After done,you really surprise with the result."Woah!!!is this,Tsunashi-san did it!!!" Said your cheerful member."I'm really surprise.I thought male can't do better." Said Nanako and continue with Yuiko "Me neither."."Chotto!you guys did'nt have to be so excited...Yuiko-chan too!" You said."I-I did'nt!!Humph!!" Yuiko said while everyone can see her blushing face.

"That girl,really a tsundere." Said Chika while other cheerful member nodding as agree.While they're talking,suddenly a staff calling them "(G/N)!!!Please standby!!"."HAII!!" All of you said and go get ready.

You turn around and go to Ryuu. "Ryuu!arigatou!" You said and give a little smile.Ryuu blushing a little.When you want go back to stage,Ryuu take your arm and kiss you gently."Ganbatte,(Y/N)-chan." You blushing and give a smile after he said that.Ryuu go back to his member and I7.

(Just a random song I pick😑)

When the music start,all the light were pointing at you guys and singging and dancing perfectly.All of your fans screaming like crazy almost the whole stadium.Even the staff, your manager and your president too.

Hello!This is a new story again.My hand hurt,and my ideas always came out with a weird thing😅That's why I update it a little long time. Next chapter,I don't know.(just kidding lol!😆😆😆anyway,do you like this idol,I☆ris?

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