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          The shouts of vendors and the smell of different food fill the air as Azreil and I walk down the streets of Salvian. We both keep our hoods down to avoid suspicion while walking through the crowded streets.

Walking past crates of fruit, I swipe me a nice red apple. Azreil snorts when he hears my small moan of pleasure as I bite into it. Apples are absolutely amazing. Completely ordinary-looking on the outside but utterly diverse in flavor inside.

"I have to go handle some stuff. I'll see you later tonight at Barrens Cove," Azreil says and walks off.

Just like that, we were done with keeping company. It was better this way. If I was to be completely honest with myself, I would be torn if anything happened to him. To have any feelings toward him put us both at high risk. If someone ever wanted to hurt me they would use him against me. That would be a very, very hard day. I'll start pushing him away, for both of our well being.

I slip down the streets with ease, headed toward the tavern. With every step, I feel the small bag of coins in my pocket jingle. I intended to pay Danny back with for my little disturbance last night. I rather liked that place of his and I sure the hell wanted to be able to stay there.

The closer I got the thicker crowds became. Focusing on the small bits of conversation floating around me, I hear things that leave my heart thumping.

"-Such a shame that-"

"-All his coin still there-"

"-They left his body-"

"-Nothing but the ring-"

The tavern comes in view as I turn around the corner. People look on with grim faces and one girl sits on the ground sobbing. I recognize her as Danny's daughter by the birthmark he once told me about under her eye. Some of the king's guardsmen are yelling at her and the crowd to get moving. Everyone follows the orders. Death here wasn't rare... but very common.

Two men from the guard are positioned at the door to keep people from entering as they dispose of the body. Probably burning it in Danny's fire pit. Well, if what I suspected was true, dead Danny's fire pit. I walked past the tavern, acting as an indifferent bystander, and cut a quick look inside as I pass. I stopped dead in my tracks.

Danny strung up gruesomely from the rafters. His body looked inhuman. Blood dripped from his gaping wounds. This wasn't what I was expecting. I thought maybe he was stabbed, not mutilated and tortured with missing limbs. What happened for this to be done to him? Why? He was such a respected man and everyone loved him. With the way the body was handled and cut, someone of skills and practice did this. Someone with a motive to hurt Danny or drag out information.

"Get moving before I move you," one of the guards growls at me. I swallow the snarky remark inching up my throat, choosing to walk away instead.

"May the seven gods treat you well Danny," I whisper.

Maybe he would still be alive if I hadn't started that fight. If I would have just pushed that guy's arm away instead of slamming his head down. Shaking my head, I push away the guilt.

I've killed too many to feel guilty now.


Sorry, this chapter is short! I plan to write longer ones in the future.

I was just felling the urge to write!

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(Sorry for typos)

Next update 9/20/18

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