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Weaving down the dark hallways, Audra and I are silent. Maybe she was just like me, not wanting to wake any monsters that may live in the walls. Still vigilant of my surroundings, I let one part of my brain focus entirely on mapping out the halls and pathways. One major thing I notice as Audra picks up her pace is the halls farther north in the palace are more ornate and well illuminated, a drastic change from the gloomy dark south side that houses the military.

The quick pattering of steps ahead of us cause me to stiffen, but what I see makes me relax. A small girl, no older than 10 in servant clothes runs past without a glance upward toward us. Father we walk down the halls and more servants pass us, none ever looking at us. A small part of me laughs.

I pictured the halls of the Kings palace empty and barren of life, but here I watch as servants bustle by us in crowds. Then I look at Audra who walks ahead of me and realize that many may be like her. Abused and serving for some gods given reason that is not of loyalty, respect or honor.

Audra may not have told me anything about her life here, but one look into her eyes and I see it, the pain and anguish of her roll in this world. A small part of myself pity's her. I wonder how many other servants carry a blade hidden in the seams of their clothing.

Turning left, the hall suddenly widens enough to fit three small houses, the roof ascending into to wide stained glass panes that steeple together to form a dome. A circle is cutout at the top opening up to the moon. Mirrors that are placed in strategic places bounce the moonlight about the room, one lone beam filtering down onto the small circular indoor garden that sits in the center. There rises the old statue of Cato, the god of knowledge holding his lover Hilal, the goddess of the moon. Three sets of massive carved oak door fill the space on the walls, making the hall seem bigger than it is. Audra's voice draws me out of my stupor.

"It's beautiful isn't it?" She says, her eyes glued to the statues of the gods loving embrace.

It's absolutely gorgeous. But I keep that thought to myself and only mumble a yes.

"There is only one library you can enter. The other two are off limits to all but scholars, priest and royal family." She points to one set of the oak doors at the right of the room, her head bowed. "I will wait for you," she adds. 

Questions swirl in my head as I look at the other library doors. "Do you know what is inside the two we're not permitted to enter?" I ask, expecting her not to know. When she doesn't answer right away, I look away from the doors and at her. A look of hesitation plastered on her face, then she whispers so low I strain to hear her even with my uncanny hearing ability. "There are rumors that they hold books containing the true events of history that led up to the ruling. Some even say that they hold books on-," she stops, a look of fear flashing on her face. As curious as I was to here what she was about to say that would make her turn so pale, I decide not to pry.

"Thank you. I can find my way back, so there is no need for you to stay," I push past her, giving her no time to argue on staying, as I saw her preparing to do the moment my words left my lips. Truth be told, if I ran into the General, Inse or more terrifying, the King, I wouldn't want Audra to take any damage.

Walking up to the oak doors of the one library I could enter, I push the red stone latch and open the doors. Closing them behind me, I take in the library.

Seven gods save me.

Shelf upon shelf, row upon row of books lined the walls. Beautiful circle glass windows lined the roof, and just like outside the library, mirrors are placed around. The moonlight bouncing and dancing across the room, highlighting the old bound spines and dust floating in the air.

Walking down some steps and farther in room, my breath leaves me, because there in the center of the room grows massive patch of moon flowers, the soft pink with glittering petals providing color in a dark and stale setting. Tables with candles in glass cages surround the flower patch, creating a study ground of some sorts. What stands out more than anything is the silence in which consumes the library, so quiet that a faint ringing noise is all that settles in my head.


Spotting a massive pedal stool next to one shelf, I walk over. A big book filled with red handwritten script details the general location of certain books. I cough as dust from the pages hits my nose. This library looks unused except for the lit candles and groomed flowers that say something else.

Wanting to hurry this up, I recall my time spent tied to the chair in the Generals chambers. Inse talked about only being able to grab some, which means  more of those small colorful stones I glimpsed in his hand exist. But what are they? Did they cause me the burning pain?

Then it hits me, it had to have been some type of...magic. Magic was considered cursed and tainted, long given up by humans after the Zeldin wars with the fae who took magic with them and sealed their self off behind a rift. But my mother used to tell me of stories were some magic was preserved and hidden, waiting to be used for its great power. I flip in the index to books containing anything that has to do with stones. Grabbing the book of the pedal stool, I moved through the library on limber legs to find the books mentioning stones. Coming to stop at the sixth row I began pulling and skimming over them one by one, searching for anything about stones containing magic.

For several hours I searched through one hundred and sixty eight books, and found nothing but the identity of rocks and locations to find rare gems. Not one page contained any information on rocks storing magic. I even looked in the index for magic, but came up empty. Sighing in frustration, I kick a book and send it flying into another shelf.

I had thought this was going to be easy and how naive was I. Now knowing that the stones could be stored magic, I want to know about them more than ever. Want to know why Inse and the General waved them in-front of me expecting something.

What does King Costello have planned?

The ringing of the bells sound through the library and I realize it must be late. Taking my defeat, I shove it far back in my mind. I will find answers. It may have not happened to toady, but I found out something important.

Weaving back up through the library and over the steps to the oak door, I slip out and back into the expansive hallway. My eyes narrow on the other library doors. What Audra said earlier comes back to me.

"There are rumors that they hold books containing the true history of events that led up to the ruling. Some even say that they hold books on-,"


Of course the hated and powerful part of history would be hidden behind locked doors.

I turn, heading for the locked doors when I here shuffling behind me. Spinning fast, I slip out my knife and throw. A screech and a soft thus echo as Audra falls to the floor ducking. Cursing under my breath I walk over to her and help her up. "I thought I told you to go," I say a bit more angrier than intended. "I'm sorry. I'm just tired. Let's go." I add quickly and start to walk back to my chamber. I will have to come back and break into the libraries. I can't run the risk of getting caught and Audra getting killed.

"I'm s-sorry, I just thought that you would need my h-help." She stutters and walks fast but weary. Am I scaring her? My heart jerks in guilt.

"You just scared me Audra. Thank you for waiting when you could have left," I say gently, injecting whatever little warmth I have left.

Seeming to be okay now, she nods her head and we walk back to my chambers. Soon I will find the answers to all my questions. Starting in the forbidden libraries.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 06, 2020 ⏰

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