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I didn't get up from where I was thrown down on the too white marble floor of the throne room. I couldn't even if I wanted to. I thought I was taken to some jail house that I simply could break out from, not to the king himself. Well, my crimes are terribly horrible to some people. But the king's crimes are far worse than all my transgressions combined. I am not going to let him convict me when he's the one who should pay. Rage simmers low in my gut at the predicament I am in.

I look at my reflection on the floor. My bruised, dirty and bloodied face stares at me. I smirk and my busted lips stings. The king has taken everything from his people with little in return, the least I can do is make this small portion of time I'm near him a living hell.

I force my wobbly chained limbs to rise and to lift my stare at the king. King Costello of Salvian sits as menacing as I imagined. A massive throne carved out of stone and trimmed with designs made out of wood held a man in his early forties, short brown hair and beard kept neatly trimmed, pale skin and hollow cheeks that highlight lips that seem to always be peeled back into a snarl and wide soulless dark brown eyes.  Dressed in all red except for the sliver spiked shoulder pads and knee-high boots. A red cloak with sliver trim fans around him and the throne like a pool of blood.

His evil eyes pierce straight through me as we stare at each other. His lips peel back into a smirk.

"She's quite small to be the one I asked for," his deep rough voice says to the guards holding my chains. The guard to my lefts moves a little, as if uncertain than stammers in a submissive voice, "She's the one that showed up at your planned trap last night. She took down all our men except for the two that hid. She fought with a bow staff like you said. I assure you she's the one you wanted." My fingers clenched on his works and my eyes narrowed.

The king set up a trap to get me. My mission was given by Jaron, that could only mean Jaron sold me out. But what made my guts twist and turn was that King Costello wanted me. For what I didn't know.

"It seems, Jaron, that you kept up your part of our deal," the King said and lifted his gaze from me to Jaron who had come from the back of the throne room to stop beside me. How could he? He saved me from death and raised me only to give me over to death. I never liked him, ever. But I couldn't help but feel a little bit of betrayal. "Bastard!" I yell and lunge to wrap my hand around his throat and kill him. I sharp tug on my chains sends me choking and falling back onto the floor. Jaron meets my eyes, smiles like the snake he is then returns his eyes back to the king.

Movement on the steps of the throne have my eyes snapping back to King Costello walking down, blood red cape flowing behind him. He stops on the last step and chuckles darkly.

"You now wait for my part of the deal, but-" he clucks his tongue and guards swarm around Jaron, restraining him, "-what kind of king would I be to reward a crime lord and let him go free. I would be a terrible king to let you go, and I would be an even worse king to let the dogs that follow your feet to live. Bring them in." His last words as loud as the sound of the throne room doors opening. "NO! THIS WAS NOT OUR DEAL!" Jaron's screaming echoed through out the room. I could only focus on the men being lined up to the right of me. They were all my comrades who were in Jaron's guild with me.

Dear gods please don't let Azreil be one of them.

I couldn't breathe as I counted the heads. Thirty-four. Only one was missing not counting me, and if Azreil was safe at home or in hiding, he was the one missing. He has to be.

"Kill them. And him," King Costello says and points his finger at Jaron. A choked scream left my throat as the guards that were holding my comrades and Jaron plunged their blades through their hearts. The sounds of bodies falling, and gargled coughs would forever be etched into my brain. Thirty-four people who I grew up with, laughed with, ate with, trained with, are dead and laying in a pool of blood. Tears rolled down my face as I sobbed and reached out to them. I fall to my knees, their blood splashing and soaking my clothes.

How did it come to this?

"As for you, Hazel Rheas, you can either work for me or join your friends over there," the king says.

"Why me?" My voice comes out low and cold.

"Because I hear that you have an ability to find what I want faster than anyone else. Also, your combat skills are exceptional." A dark laugh follows his words and I burn with anger. I slowly turn my head and stare at him.

"What makes you think I will help you after you killed my friends and master?"

King Costello sneers and walks toward me, his feet splashing in the blood he spilt and his cloak smearing it across the white floor. He stops a few feet from me and tilts his head, like a predator studying its prey.

"You will help me because you value your life. You also value the life of the one person missing over there," he points to the bodies and I swallow, my tongue sticking to the top of my mouth. "You see, there was supposed to be thirty-six bodies over there...someone's missing. From what your master said, you had a weakness, and that was the love of a boy in your guild. He's not dead over there, and if you want him to stay alive, you will help me." He was talking about Azreil.  He has Azreil and is holding his life over my head. "Let him go!" I lunge for him and once again, I'm pulled back by the chains holding me. The king laughs and says, "I don't have him. He's still out there living his pathetic life, but I will have him if you do not accept. Do not think it hard to hunt him down, because I will, and I will tear him limb from limb while you watch. So, you better help me get what I want, and I will turn a blind eye to him and spare his life."

I couldn't help the rush of breath that escaped my throat at the knowledge of Azreil not here. But King Costello lied to Jaron, so he could be lying to me. He could be lying about keeping him alive and not hunting him down if he is out there. The thought of Azreil being ripped apart made my stomach lurch. I couldn't let him die, even if I don't know where he is or even if he's alive...I can't let him die. I can't die. I'm the only one left to get revenge. King Costello needs me for something, and I can manipulate him through it. I will kill him.

"Your life and your lovers for your servitude. What do you say?" He says and I pull my shoulders back and harden my stare.

"I serve and help you and you never touch him. Then yes, I will."

"Bold of you to order me, but ill let it slide this time," he turns away from me and I wished for a knife to plunge into his back. His blood-soaked cloak leaving a trail of blood up the throne's stairs. He sits down and relaxes. "Take her to her chambers. She won't be needing guards. If she tries to flee, I will have her life and this boy she fancies. Your maid will come tend to you and tell you were you can and can't go. I will call for you when I'm in need for you. You will train with my elite guard every day. Now get out of my sight and someone clean this mess up," he flings his arm out to encompass the bodies and blood. My chains are jerked, and I'm pushed out of the throne room.


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