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My eyes flutter open at the sound of a loud screech. A crow sits on the railing of my boat watching me with beady black eyes. Why is there a crow by the sea? I only see crows in the village, mainly by the gates of the bone castle feasting on the flesh of the heads piked there by the king. I stand up, shaking some sand off my shirt, and sniff the air for anything dead. Only fresh clean ocean air drifted to my nose. I look at the crow with a narrow look and watch it flutter its wings.

"Shoo!" I fling my hands at it. It just sits there. Completely undisturbed. "SHOO! Before I end your stupid little life!" I fling out my hands more aggressively. I don't know why I was so determined to make it go away. Any other time I would have just left it be and gone on with my life, but something about this crow disturbed me.

I swear the crow rolled its eyes before flying off. "Weird fuck," I mumble to myself and go into my little cabin in my boat. There wasn't much room at all in here. Just enough space for a small chest, a small bed covered in furs, and a small washbasin under a cracked mirror. I have plenty enough coin to get myself a housing arrangement like Azreil's, but my sailboat was perfect even with it looking like a trash hole.

I walk over to my chest and pull out a pair of clean black leggings and a some-what clean green tunic along with fresh undergarments. I take off my clothes, small daggers falling from me onto the floor. I dust myself off and put on my clean clothes. Where are my boots? Oh. On the beach alongside my cloak where I threw them last night.

I feel a grain of sand in my eye and I walk over to my mirror and look into the biggest part that's not cracked to oblivion. My hair is a messy braid that wraps around my shoulders and my wide hazel eyes look shallow and sharp just like my face. If I could be a different girl in another time I would like to think I would be fairly beautiful with my heart-shaped face and tanned skin from the sun. I remove the foreign object from my eye and quickly adjust some daggers on me and slip out of my cabin and off my boat. The sand is warm beneath my feet as I walk to my boots and cloak. The wind swirls sand and trees father up sway. The wind is stronger than its been in a long time. While I dust off my feet and lace up my boots I look out to sea and see dark clouds far out on the horizon. "Shit," I curse.

"You have a filthier mouth than a sailor."

I spun around to face where the voice came from, dagger already unsheathed and in hand. I relaxed when Azreil came walking down from the rocks to the shore. I was still breathing hard from panic when he walked up to me. I didn't even hear him coming and I always hear people coming.

"I could have killed you, prick," I say waving my dagger at his chest, "Next time try saying, 'Hey Hazel, it's me, the one and only prick'." I put my dagger back in the hidden holder at my wrist and look up at him. He was taller than me by a good foot and stunningly handsome at the moment. The sun's light made his green eyes glow and his features more sharp and defined.

"Hazel?" his voice breaking my thoughts up. I blush knowing I must have been staring too long. I quickly walk behind him and sweep aside his coat.

"How's your back feeling?" I say gently un-tucking and lifting his tunic up to see his perfect, muscular, scarred and cut back.

"I really don't feel much pain. Used to it."

I look at the several bandages covering his back and know his sister helped him. I can't imagine the lie he had to tell about these when she asked what happened. Azreil turns around to face me, his shirt slipping from my fingers and falling down. Twelve bandages. Twelve lashes. Twelve new scars. Twelve weeks of healing. All because -

"I know you think that you have to start staying away from me-"

"Because you know I have you," I interject, "Jaron will just keep punishing us. Hurting us. You know he thinks it's a weakness to feel and he will do anything to break us." I look at his chest because I can't find it in myself to look in his eyes. His beautiful eyes that I have to stay away from.

"I don't think it's a weakness," he snaps, "I think it's what makes us human. Jaron can go fuck himself. I'm falling in love with you, Hazel, despite all consequences and you can try and stay away from me." He cups my head in his hands and pulls me nose to nose to him, our lips almost brushing and me wide-eyed. "But, I will never stay away from you. Kill me if you don't want me to otherwise I don't give a fuck about Jaron and I will have you."

He slams his mouth onto mine with a passion I didn't know he had for me. I open my mouth to his and kiss him back with the same intensity. All this time I never knew that he felt this strong. The silence in his room yesterday was not the medicine making him drowsy, but him wanting me to stay beside him and not knowing how to tell me. I walked away from him thinking I was doing what was best. And now that I think about it, I could have never stayed away from him. Azreil was with me from the moment I came into the service with Jaron and I was there for him. We developed a bond I didn't even see us having. We were always there together through thick and thin. I always felt safe in his arms.

Jaron will try to break us and I won't let him. He's taken everything from me and he will not take the one person who makes me feel alive.

The kiss deepens, our tongues and teeth clashing. His fingers tangle in my hair and my fingers dig into his soft flesh at his neck. He reaches down and wraps an arm around my waist, pulling me against him. My feet stumble in the sand, and I fall into him, tumbling into the sand. A laugh gurgles up from my throat as I lay on top of Azreil, and soon I can't stop laughing. Azreils chest rumbles beneath me as he joined in. That beautiful rare smile of his makes me laugh harder. The sound of us happy is a rare sound to my ears. We haven't laughed in so long and it feels nice to finally do it again even if it is short lived.


So I know its not that long....Only 1200 words....but its something and I love it!

Thanks to all you new readers!!

Im still gonna try and update on the same day! Next update: 1/13/19

Sorry for any typos!

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