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I groaned at the splitting headache pounding through my head.

Remembering what happened I snap my eyes open against the pain and lurch up, only to find my self tied down to a chair in the Generals office.

"I would say I am sorry but, I am not in the least," came the gruff voice from General Layto himself. He sits behind his carved desk with a smug grin and crossed gloved hands. If you looked closely you could see the carvings were of villages being burnt down in the first war. I said nothing back to him, hoping he would keep talking so I could find a way out.

Then what Hazel? There is nowhere to run!

I look around the room for the old man I spotted before I was knocked unconscious to find he was gone. Dusty shelves and tapestry's with the Kings crest lined the walls. The Generals study look unused with no papers or books about the desk. Watching the dust flitter throughout the sunlight streaming in from windows I realized this study is unused. The General must have another study somewhere.

"Good, she's awake." The old man says as he enters from a hidden door behind a tapestry. Wearing brown robes, the old man walks toward the generals desk, braided bread swinging as he walks. With a loud thud, the old man tosses a bag on the desk. "I was only able to get 2."

The general looks at the bag then at me.
Raising my head, I stare back. If they plan to torture me, they would find and unbreakable woman.

Standing from his desk, the General walks toward me. His frame now towering over my bound body, causing me to look up.

"You were easy to knock out," he looks at the old man, "Ines, are you certain she is the correct woman?"

Ines who was fumbling with the bag on the desk looks up at me and frowns. "The King himself found her. Very certain."

The general looks back at me and gives me a bone curdling sneer before walking back to his desk, grey cloak kicking up dust.

"Let's see how far along we are," he says and gestures toward me.

Inse, looks at me and I'll be damned if a look of worry came across his face as he looked at me . Opening the bag up and dumping its contents into his palm, he walks over to me. Before he could close his palm I managed to see two small stones, bright but deep colored and oddly familiar.

Standing in front of me, Inse slowly, almost as if he was testing, lowered the stones near my face and then chest. They knocked me out then bound me like an animal just to wave stones over me?

Inse frowned at me and backs away. "Why isn't anything happening? Why isn't she reacting?" The General stood and walks to stand by Inse. Grunting a 'I don't know' to the general, Inse asked me "How old are you? 19? 18?"

Silence fell over the study as I said nothing. I would continue to say nothing.

So fast I could hardly see it coming, the General whips out a hand and slaps my face. It was a minor slap but it felt as if someone had taken a hammer to my face.  I have never had experienced this much pain from a slap. "He asked you a question. Now answer him," the General says to calmly. Inse just stands watching me, almost as if he could see that this slap hurt more than it should have.

Taking a deep breath I look at the General and say nothing. Anger flashing the Generals eyes, he slaps me again and my lip spits. My blood now staining his hand.

Then I feel the most excruciating pain I have ever felt in my entire life. I couldn't hold back the scream.

A burning sensation spread from my chest  to the rest of my body. Burning me alive from the inside. I wanted to die, if only to make the pain stop. Unable to stop the screaming and sobs as my body began to shake out of control. Some where in the back of my mind I registered Inse dropping the now glowing stones from his hand as if they burned him. The general taking off his coat and draping the around the stones. Picking them all up he walks out the door as I shake and scream.

Slowly, so slowly the pain began to ease away as I dropped my head my back in exhaustion.

Then it was gone. Completely and utterly gone as if the pain was never there. My body wasn't even sore from the shaking or the internal burning sensation I felt. Sitting up straight I glare at Inse who stood in the far corner of the study with wide eyes.

"What the fuck just happened," I demand, my voice sounding hoarse. The only remnants soreness.

"Your growing to strong for your body." Inse words were almost too low to hear. Before I can respond, he slips out a dagger and I tense as he walks towards me. Instead of stabbing me me he cuts the ropes binding my feet. I get ready to jump and fight as he goes to cut the ropes at my hands but, his words stop me from following after as he runs and slips out the hidden door behind the tapestry.

"You will either save us or damn us to the end," he had said.

I know I said I wasn't posting but I felt like writing!
I also know that I should make longer chapters and I'm trying <3

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