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I couldn't stop him as Azreil was tied to a pyre. I couldn't stop him as he dropped the torched. I screamed and fought against the chains holding me down.  Holding me back from killing him.

"You should have done what you were told. Now he burns." His red cloak kicking up embers as he walked around the burning corpse of Azreil and laughed. Laughed at me screaming and reaching out. His dead eyes piercing me to the soul.

Suddenly the ground became wet beneath my body and blood soaked into every pore. Azreil was gone and in his place was my comrades with blades through their chest. I screamed when one pierced my chest.

"MISS! Please be quiet! Your safe here!" I lurched from the bed, throwing up all of last night's meager meal of cornbread and cold rabbit stew.

"Just a dream...Just a dream. He's safe," I mutter to myself, assuring myself that indeed it was just a dream.

Audra rounded the bed and handed me a cloth to wipe my mouth. "This is definitely not a safe place. You of all people know that," I say softly to her and stand, her false words of this being safe ringing in my head. If she wonders anything about my nightmare, she doesn't ask. Good. I feel my chest, and sigh at the feel of no cold metal.

Audra looks at me deeply before abruptly reaching for a small tray that sat on the bed side table. A bowl of what looked to be leftover rabbit stew sat cold in the middle. She motions toward it with a flipiant hand before saying, "I warmed it as much as I could with the time limit im given. We must hurry and get you ready to head to the training field. Its only four chimes till sunrise."

After eating what I could hold down, I reluctantly dressed in the brown trousers and white tunic laid out. Audra helping me with the tight brace around my breast. Every piece clothing hardening my resolve. I will survive and I will stand strong if not for myself than for Azreil.

Audra walked out the room then ushered back in with leather straps bundled in her arms. "Here's some armor. It's only leather but it was all I could do." Once the leathers were strapped, I braided my hair and took a deep breath.

"Anything I should know before I go?" I ask Audra as we walk out the door and into the hallway.

"Besides what I told you last night-"

"Not about that stuff. I mean anything I should know about the men I'm going to be training with?" I cut her off and said.

She paused in her steps and I stopped to look at her. Her face once again pale and distant. In that instant I knew men on the Kings personal Guard had harmed her. And then I knew without a doubt I was going to bring this castle down.

"If your as good as I expect...then kick their ass. Their ruthless and think their better than the Gods. Show no mercy. If your not as good...then blend into the shadows and pray to the Gods they find no interest in you." With that, she walked on, silent and thinking. I said nothing back.

Only pondered my destruction.

So yes. This is a very short chapter and it's past it's release date. I'm super sorry. :(
I plan to do way better guys! I hope to have another chapter out soon. School just got out for me today and so writing should be easier now.


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