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Across the Shadow Rift

    The Shadow King stands shirtless on the edge of a cliff overlooking the sea, far away from his cities. Alone for the first time in a long time, he opened his wings not to intimidate but to let the ocean air flow across his black feathers. Closing his eyes he breathes in the salty air, longing to touch the sea. The moonlight gleams of his wings and chest, making him look like a ghost among the trees lining the cliff. 

    Sounds of fluttering wings then footsteps sound behind him as Kage approaches. The Shadow King's fist clenches in frustration. He knows that if Kage was back this early from his mission, it couldn't be good. 

    "We were too late. He has her," Kage says, blue wings tucked in tight with anger. 

    "We are not too late." The king mutters, forming a plan that could either get them killed or save them all.

    "We are too late. We cant save her now. The only we can do is kill her before-"

    "We. Are. Not. To. Late." The Shadowing king growls at Kage. Not under his rule would he kill to further his agenda. 

    "Then what are we to do? I don't have the power to get her out without being detected. You cant leave Kardama to go to human lands without the ado fae causing problems. None of our men can get her out." Kage says deadpan. 

      The Shadow King looks out across the ocean and into the moon, his mind made up. 

    "I will go get her myself," he tells Kage who eyes go wide, "And you will be me till I return. You are strong enough to hold the illusion of me. As long as you don't spend much time around other fae, they will not notice.  I can not allow someone who has no idea who they truly are to die or be used. I can not allow  the bone crown to be restored. The Nirata will cause the death of millions if unleashed." The King tucks his wings in tight and wields his elaborate robes and crown onto the body a stunned Kage. The King planned to leave fast as possible before Kage could talk him out of it and because he was in a hurry to get to her. The longer she was there, the longer the bone crown could be restored.  

   "Are you mad? No!" Kage shouts as his king weaves the illusion. 

    "I was not asking you, Kage. This is an order." 

    With no further words or goodbyes, the true Shadow King spreads his wings and flies off the cliff, leaving a furious replica of himself behind. 


This is so late! Im so sorry! Been busy with travling! 

Also sorry that this is a short chapter! 

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