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The water in the basin swirls red as I ring out the rag. "This one is going to hurt. It's the deepest," I say to Azreil, who lay flat on his stomach in bed. He reaches up and grabs the headboard.

"Just get it over with," He groans into his pillow.

A big red lash sits across his shoulder, still dripping blood. Smaller lashes and welts cover the rest of his back. All this sits over old scars.

I wipe down the lash and Azreil hisses and tenses in pain. I made quick work of wiping all the blood of and applying slave to the lashes. After cleaning my hands and dumping out the basin of bloody water, I slide on the bed, next to Azreil's prone body, and rest my head back.

"I'm sorry," I say it so quietly I'm surprised he even heard it.

"You have nothing to be sorry for. It is my fault, I-"

"It's not your fault," I cut him off. It's not his fault as much as it's not my fault. We should be able to be with each other without having to hide it in fear of Jaron. Azreil was forced to fight me as what? Punishment? Warning against us? Jaron knew that I would win and Azreil would be lashed, so did every other soul in that clearing. Jaron made me put Azreil in the position he's in right now because feeling is a weakness.

Azreil says something, but it is incoherent. I know he's in a lot of pain. I've been in the same position as him many times. I slide off of his bed and walk to the desk to find something to ease his pain. I find a small bottle of green liquid and remove the cork to smell it. The moment its smell hits me, dried basil in a cozy house with an underlying smell of cat piss, my eyes water. Most certainly the ginture I take when im in pain.

I walk up to his bedside and ruffle his sweaty hair to rouse him. "Hey, you gotta drink this. It will help."

He groans in protest but lifts his head up enough for me to toss the ginture down his throat. "That's utterly disgusting," he grumbles and falls back onto his pillow.

He's in all this pain because Jaron found out we fell for each other.

As quick as I can, I grab my coat of his chair and put it on. I'm almost out the door when I hear Azreil say, "Where are you going?"

"It's best if I go. Gives Jaron less motive to hurt us if I leave." Silence fills the air.

"Okay. Thank you for...helping me." He sounds nearly asleep. Probably the medicine.

I nod my head, but then remember he can't see me. "You know where to find me. Bye Azreil," I say and close the door to his room on my way out.


Sorry for the short chapter! I just wanted to write! 

Next update is still set for 1/6/19 !  HAPPY NEW YEARS BTW!!!! :) :) 

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