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"That's so not fair," I yell at Azreil as he slides the coins on the rickety wood table his way.

"Don't be a sore loser." he chuckles and shoots a charming smile at his little sister who giggles at my flustered face. Mara reaches out and stops Azreils hands from sliding most of my lost coin his way, and clicks her tongue. "Not so fast, I haven't laid down my cards yet."

Azreil raises his eyebrows in confusion and slides the coins back.. How cocky of him to take the win before she'd shown her cards. I lean back in my chair with a smug grin as Mara lays down her cards.

Total wipeout.

Azreil sits there, frowning at his sister's cards as if he couldn't understand how a 12-year-old could beat him. I stood up from my chair, my legs stretching out from being in a sitting position for so long.

After making sure my boat would live against the storm earlier, Azreil and I came back here to his place to wait it out. We talked, sharpened weapons, ate the funny looking things his sister baked and spent time with her, all which made Azreil look happier and I felt lighter over that. "Don't be such a sore loser," I said standing behind him with my hands on his shoulders. Azreil tipped his head back and looked at me, his brown hair falling back. I reach my hands up and twine them in his hair. His stare dipping from my eyes to my mouth. This man right here is willing to face unseen and unpredictable consequences to be with me. To love me.

A cough from the door broke my stare from Azreils and had us both looking up to see Mara with a basket in hand. "I'm going to take these to Mrs. Gartha. She hurt her foot and has not been able to bake bread. I'll be back." With that, she slid out the door with Azreil shout to be safe right behind her. I caught sight of the sky, it was almost sunset and still drizzling. Almost time to do Jaron's dirty work.

"I gotta go soon. It's about an hour till the monastery bells will begin to ring." I went up the narrow stairway to Azreils tiny bedroom to get ready, his steps right behind me. The shabby door opened with a creak, and I grabbed my clothes lying on the bed. Azreil shut the door and leaned against the frame as he watched me strip off my green tunic to put on my black one. I felt his eyes on me as I took off my loose trousers to put on tight black ones. Felt them on me as I tightened my leather vest up and definitely felt them on my backside as I bent over to slip on my knee-high boots.

"It's rude to stare," I say with a smirk when I stand up and look at him. So slowly he peels off from the door frame to come stand in front of me.

"I've never been one for manners," he says and slides a hand to the back of my head, pulling my mouth to his. I couldn't help the groan that escaped when his tongue darted out against my lip. His laugh rumbles across my lips before he pulls away, leaving us both breathless. "As much as I would love for you to stay here with me," he says, his hands sliding down to brace my hips.

"You have to get going." I roll my eyes and pull from his grasp to begin fastening my leathers and daggers on me. Once I'm sure my blades are on correctly I throw on my black cloak and hook my retracting bow staff to my back. It was one of the very first things I bought for myself. Made of the strongest wood out there it stretches out to full staff when you release the latch on it, a very sharp blade of steel on the end. When not in use, it retracts into what looks like a normal short smooth stick.

"Come back to me," Azreil says to me as I make motions for him to move his ass from his door he blocks.

"Make sure your still alive for me to come back too." The fear that Jarron will send someone to kill him once they realize he's not showing up to their meeting for some fake injury has me still on edge, no matter how many times Azreil tells me he will be okay.

Azreil fakes a gasp of mock hurt as he follows me down his stairs toward the front door. "You don't think I can hold my own?"

I chuckle. I know very well he could hold his own against Jaron's men, but it still doesn't help ease the fear of losing him after just getting him.

"I'll be back," I say as I slide out his door and onto the dirty wet streets of Salvian



Im sorry guys :(      Im really trying to stay on time. It was just a busy week. 

Next update WILL BE ON 2/3/19 !!!!! 


Thanks for reading!!!

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