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Cold. I was so cold. My throat felt dry as I groaned from the pain of moving my fingers. I couldn't find it in myself to open my eyes yet. My back hurt as if someone had thrown me down a flight of stairs that led to a freezing river. What the hell happened? It all came flooding down on me in a rush so strong I thought I would pass out again.

Leaving Azreils house after a wonderful day to go complete my mission at the monastery. Fighting several men to save a little girl who in turn stabbed me with drugs. The blood that coated my hands and the fury I wanted to rage out but couldn't. Two men who had no intention to hurt the girl but to get to me instead. Who are they and what do they want? With great effort I managed to open my eyes. It was so dark and cold that I couldn't even tell if my eyes were open. If it weren't for the burning sensation of the cold air I wouldn't know. With a groan I used all my will to block out the pain I was feeling and stood up. My cloak was gone as well as my boots, leaving me in my trousers and a thin shirt. There was no light, only darkness. I was afraid to move where I couldn't see, so I stood still and study the darkness around me. It was disgusting wherever I was. The place ranked up dried blood and excrete from who knows what. It felt below freezing which led me to believe I had to be deep underground somewhere in a stone pit. I wrapped my arms around my stomach in an attempt to keep some matter of warmth close to me and also to keep my heart from bursting out of my chest. I've never been scared before until now. I've always been one step ahead of the game of life I lived, butt now...I was completely out of knowledge.

Calm down and think Hazel!

I drop down on my hands and knees and began to feel the ground around me cautiously. I couldn't see in the darkness around me, even with my ability to see better then others. All I can do is rely on my other senses. My fingers came to rest on flat cold stone that was inches from my face. The stone matched the same of that I crawled on so it must be a wall.

Thanking the gods under my breath, I stood up on wobbly legs, bracing my hands against the wall for support. Slowly I began a careful tread across the ground, feeling out the walls for any latch or door.

A loud screech startled me before a blinding flash of torch light flooded the what I now could see was a large stone walled pit. I looked up to find the source of the light and saw a small square hole way above me open, with silhouettes of heads looking down at me.

"Damn, your awake. Fetch her," a steely voice rand out from above. Fear churned my guts as three men emerged from the shadows of the wall to surround me with raised swords. My breath was knocked out when an unseen fourth man pushed me down to the ground and straddled my back, pulling my hands behind me.

I should fight, struggle, scream or at least make this as hard as I can with swords pointed at me, but I have no strength in my body, only a growing sed of fear for what was to come for me. Even if I could fight, it would be foolish. One weak girl against four strong armed men.

Come back to me.

Azreil's words from earlier came to my head. His warm smile as I left telling him I would. We both just found love for each other, just began to fight for the love we express, just found a sliver of happiness in the bleak world...and now it could be ripped away.

For Azreil I will fight. I will get free and get back to him, even if it cost me my last breath trying.

So, I stayed still as cold iron manacles bit into my skin at me ankles and wrist. I stifled my urge to scream when an iron collar and chain was placed around my neck. If I ever wanted to get out, it will have to on brains not brawn.

I felt like an animal when one man pulled on the chain attached to the collar. I stifled the urge to gag and stumbled forward with the men as w walked through a hidden door in the wall. The sounds of chains and the shuffle of the soldier's boots where the only sounds as we walked through a hall lined with other cells and up a set of stairs. One of the guards took out a key and unlocked the door at the top and swung it open. Filtered sunlight hit my eyes fast and hard that I couldn't help but hide my wince.


"Fuck off."

A kick to the back of my knees for my comment sent me plunging face first into the stone steps.

"Get up and move, bitch."

Another tug on the collar had me up and moving. The moment I saw the hall, I knew we weren't at the jail barrack in town. These halls were far to clean and well built. Scones lined the walled as they pushed me further down the hall and up more stairs. I only spotted a few doors on the halls we walked, but more doors came into view the more steps we took. My heart lurched when I saw tapestry's hanging on the walls and giant open windows that over looked a court yard of sparing soldiers, but not just any soldiers, the kings elite guard.

This was not the barracks of a jail, this was the king's palace.

I looked over the guards who took me and saw that they too wore kings guard armor. How did I miss that? Servants walked by, but their eyes ever so cast down. My heart was a near thundering beat that echoed in my ears as we walked for what seemed like hours through the palace halls till two huge elaborately carved doors were opened and I was shoved down on my knees in front of the King of Morathian.


So, I have been thinking... I set dates for new chapters to frequently for me to keep up with. SO, I pan to update every other Sunday. <3 


Follow me for updates!


- Nosedeep

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