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I walk down the street, following the ache in me to be near the sea. Ever since I could remember, I had always had a fever to be by the water. It was the place I always felt safe at. I would be sailing around the world right now if it wasn't for my servitude to Jaron, or the threat of the fae water creatures that manage to slip past the shadow rift. I have never seen the rift for no one even dares to get close to it, but I have seen the fae the fishermen bring back.

I remember the time I was at the dock waiting for a shipment when men were hauling something up by its feet from a net. I'd never seen a fae before till then. It looked almost human. Pale blue muscular skin that sparkled against the sun, eyes that were wide and slitted like a cat, a nose that seemed more like two cuts in the face, a mouth full of sharp teeth and that if it was closed wouldn't look like it had a mouth at all, and hands and feet that were webbed and clawed. The fae, hung up by its feet looked to be at least 9 foot tall and had two bane harpoons protruding from its stomach. Blood, as red as humans, dripped from its wounds and off its forehead onto the wood deck. It had to be dead.

A crowd began together and I pushed myself through to look along with the other curious people around me. I was only 10, able to slip to the front easily.

Then the fae moved its eyes, as if my very presence triggered it.

It wasn't dead, even stabbed with harpoons. People around me screamed and began running. Men were yelling to grab more bane weapons to kill it. I just stood there because it was looking directly at me with a smile that could scare a woman into a grave.

Without breaking its stare from me, he reached up and ripped the harpoons from his stomach, its blood spraying as he did it. Then, the most beautiful thing I have ever seen happen; scales erupted across his body. Scales that constantly shifted colors like flowing waves, colors I have never seen before flashed across my eyes covering his body like armor.

It was like looking at every good thing in the world.

The rope that was holding him up snapped and it rolled softly onto its feet. He stood straight and tall, all power, all fae, and walked toward me. I took a step back and amusement flashed in its eyes. People all around us screaming but I couldn't focus on anything but the thing in front of me. He reached out an arm as if to take me, but a harpoon came flying through the air, aiming for the fae in front of me. So fast that my eyes barely registered it, the fae turned around and grabbed the harpoon mid-air before it went through him. Smoke rose in the air from its hands. It was the bane on the harpoon that was burning his hands. Bane. Their only weakness.

The fae flung the harpoon back to the man who released it with more power than anything I have ever seen. The harpoon went clean through the man's chest and stuck home in the wooden post behind him with a resounding crack. The man looked down at his chest with a gaping mouth then slumped, unmoving.

People were still screaming and running, men grabbing weapons and trying to surround the fae. The fae looked around with calculating eyes before looking at me. It was as if he just noticed the angry men ready to put him down. It smiled at me then, its gums peeling back to revel pointy teeth. "Farewell little one," it said in a voice of bell chimes and ocean waves. Then it just disappeared.

I felt something snap in my chest so hard and fast, I fell over gasping for breath. Still to this day, I have no idea why it talked to me or what the feeling in my chest I'd had was.

The sea air whips my hair all around as I walk to my little sailboat I keep on a secluded part of the beach. It sits so peacefully here hidden by overgrown forest and rocks. This is home. As I'm walking to my boat I fling off my boots and toss my cloak into the sand. I will pick them up tomorrow when I decide to care. I take a deep breath of the crisp ocean air and dig my toes in the wet sand. The moon cast a silver light across the waves and everything is so peaceful, the stress from my day melts away as the water touches my toes. The familiar ache in my chest makes me yearn to sail the water and go far far away from the troubles of this land and king. I take a deep breath and start to walk to my boat.

I fall asleep watching the water and the moons light dance.



I plan on writing long ones in the future when I have the time to sit down and write for hours! School starts back up for me in 1 DAY!!!!! R.I.P But I will try my best to keep updates flowing on the time I promised them to you!

Next update: 1/13/18 


Also, would you guys like me to start posting pictures along with my chapters?

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