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Once again I was back in hall overlooking the training field but this time I was here to stay. At least till I bring this castle down. Whatever the king wants from me he would get but I would make sure he doesn't get it how he wants it.

The training field was based against a south side castle wall and opened opened up to a huge field before merging into woods. 3 buildings sat at the entrance to the field. They must be the barracks and armory. I tilt my head to the side. I wonder if the king will move me to the barracks.

Walking down the stone steps to join the few men on the field had me recalling all that has happened to lead me here. Just a day ago I was in the arms of Azreil...where I didn't even know that's where I wanted to be. I was eating the sweet cakes his healing sister baked and playing games. And the next thing I know I'm drugged and thrown on my knees. But as reach the bottom of the stairs I know that even though my world may have been flipped upside down, I will not flip with it.

As a woman wearing trousers, tunics, boots and armor, it was easy for the men to tell that I'm not just some maid. Some men stopped to look at me and sneer while some laughed and talked to each other.

One man with a braided beard walked out of a building with a sword. Assuming that is the armory I make my way over there. Ignoring all the whistling directed my way and hollers to get off the field I went to slip into the armory but stopped when I felt someone behind me.

"Who are you and what is your business here on these fields?" Turning to face the deep voice I said "My name is of little importance, but to answer your second question I was sent to train with the men of the Kings personal guard."

A man of massive stature stood facing me. He wore loose leather clothes that didn't give off the impression of warrior but the multiple daggers and swords strapped to him did. His face was tan from years in the sun and riddled with scars. Unlike most men, his face was clean shaven and his lips carried a sneer.

He took a step closer to me and even though he was taller than me by three heads, I still managed to look down my nose at him.

"I'll ask you again, girl," he snarled, his teeth flashing, "What is your name and sent by whom." His order made me snort and his eyes flew wide. He raised his hand as if to grab my throat. I stood tense, ready to break his arm if he did.

"Berkly. Go out and sharpen your blades. You have no business with her," a voice of to the left yelled.

Berkly lowered his hand but looked at me long before turning and walking away.

A man dressed in sliver armor came walking up to me. The King of Morathian crest of two oak trees clashing together  was engraved upon the breast plate. The man wasn't as tall as Berkly but made up for height in mass. His face was older looking with scars and wrinkles. I had no doubt that even though he looks old he fights just as hard as newborn soldiers. He stood a good distance away from me with his arms behind his back.

"Forgive Berkly. He's the most ill temper in the guard. I try my best to keep them from acting out. You must be Hazel Reshsa," he holds his hand out and folds it back in with a nod when I dont reach out to shake it, "you have earned some credit out on the street. It's generous of the King to offer you this job than be in the dungeons."

If only I did have a choice to stay in the dungeons.

"I am."

"Well then, grab a weapon of your choice and meet in the center field. We run laps around the field to warm-up before we spar. Any other questions just ask me. Don't make a habit of it though." He started to turn and walk away and I asked, "What is your name?" He stopped and turned back.

"I was beginning think you would never ask. I am Commander Aspen. You will follow me under this guard. I will expect just the same of you just a any other man. I try to be understanding but I will not be used. See you on the field."

Once he walked out of sight, I turned and pushed open the door to the armory. Weapons of all sizes and types lined the wall and racks. Scanning the room I spy my beloved bow staffs. Running my fingers over the carved staffs lining the wall, I stopped when I spotted one with carved vines running down the staff. Pulling it from it's hold I twirl it around to feel it's weight. It wasn't as good as my retractable one,  but it would have to do. Grabbing its harness I strap it on and put the staff in place on my back. Looking around, I grab a few daggers. A small dagger no longer than a hand caught my eye before I walked out. Grabbing it I slipped in my boot. I would take this back with me to my chambers. Having at least one weapon no matter how useless it was to me in my position would be good.

Exiting the armory, I head over to where men stood around Commander Aspen. The third bell chime rang out half way, and all the men the broke into a run around the field.

"Let's go Hazel! I have no time for slackers! Get running!" Commander Aspens voice cuts out sharp. With a deep breath and a sweet thought of Azreil safe I began to run.

Jaron used to make us run along side the river every day for hours till we couldn't move. This running was nothing to me. Then the thought of Jaron selling me out and dying hits me full force and I stumble in my running. A man slams into my shoulder with a hollered "Bitch!"

When Hesta died, I was all alone...until Jaron found me. No matter how much I hated him he was the closet thing I ever had to a father. And my comrades were the closest had to a family. And Jaron sold me out and now my comrades are dead. The worst of it all is Azreil and his sister life now hung over my head like a dog with a bone.

"Hazel! Get moving or you have stables to clean!"

More men ran past me laughing. Another shoved me.

For Azreil I will go day by day through this. And day by day I will find a way to end the rule of the King.

My only fear is Azreil will come looking for me.
Guys I'm so unbelievably sorry! I know I'm supposed to make longer chapters, have this edited greatly and posted when I say it will be posted.

I'm trying I really am! My life right now is extremely busy! But I sat down and made time for all my writing and I have found new inspiration for this book!


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*sorry for my bad grammar. This story has not been edited.

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