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"What did Jaron talk to you about," Areil asks as he tries to land a hit to my ribs with his sword and fails.

"I have a mission tonight to rescue some girl and bring her to Jaron right away."

He swings hard and fast, his mistake because I duck and knock his knees out. He tumbles, trying to catch himself. I swing a high kick at his wrist and send his sword sailing across the ground.

"Your knees are your weakness. Guard them more for they will be the death of you. Try practicing underhand swings. They will help you, " I tell him as he picks up his sword from the ground. Although he hates it will I tell him what to improve on, he accepts it.

Every bit of free time we have we come here, to the small grassy area in the forest not far from my boat. We train and practice together. Azreil has won against me a few times in are sparing, but I definitely beat him more times then there are fingers and toes in Salvian. Because of this, Azreil is now sharper and stronger than ever. He's the only one I know of who could kill me if he tried hard enough.

Azreil nods his head at my comments and says, "Jaron told us to meet at the keep tonight for a very urgent matter."

"Us?" I ask, sheathing my blades.

"Everyone in his guild besides you apparently."

That startled me. The last time Jaron called everyone together, besides our sparings in the cove, was when we had to move our base because a mole told the King's guard where to find us. The fact Jaron call this meeting, and I'm to be gone on a mission sends unease shooting down my spine. I don't ask Azreil for more details, because I know Jaron wouldn't prematurely tell his plans. Maybe this mission is something really important and he needs me, the master assassin to complete it. And the reason he brought the whole guild together is that we must protect the girl from extreme dangers. Maybe she's just worth a lot and Jaron doesn't want anything happening to her.

Though the reasons in my head scream bullshit, I decide to believe them. Jaron is the most unpredictable person I know and I would love just to assume the simplest and easiest thing.

Then a horrid thought floods me.

"What if he's planning to let the guild beat you, and he sent me away because he can't have me interfering cause he knows I would and could stop it." My breath hitches. If that happened, I don't know where I would be anymore, especially with what Azreil and I confessed this morning to each other.

"I wouldn't put it below him to do that, which is exactly why I'm not going."

"If he was planning to beat you in the first place, not coming would definitely earn you a death ticket." I look at his beautiful face that looks all but calm when I have no doubt I look like a mess of conflicting fear.

He swings his sword in beautiful arch's as he speaks, "I know. But if I can't get out of bed due to injuries..." he trails, hoping I would catch on. He's gonna fake injuries that would prevent him from coming to the guild. Jaron would be pissed, but wouldn't kill him.

A smile spreads across my face and I shoved his shoulder. "You sly bastard."

"You may have the knowledge of beating your enemies by sheer force, but I have the knowledge of beating them in a way less costly and wittier way."

I roll my eyes and his eyes narrow at the action.

Thunder cracks and a small drizzle begins to fall. The small droplets of water cooling my hot skin. "I have to secure my boat before the storm gets to bad," I say before turning to leave.

Azreil walks so close behind me that I feel his body heat through the rain. "I'll help you. Then you can home with me. Mara has been wanting to see you."

Mara probably wants to ask me what truly happened to her older brothers back. She's only twelve but, she knows lies from truth.

We tie down my boat and anchor it into the sand, making sure it will be secure before throwing our cloaks up against the now pelting rain and head to Azreil's.  

I'm sorry guys. I legit keep posting small chapters, but they make me happy. And I'm hoping it's easier for you and your schedule. I'm really gonna try and start making them longer.


I hope to update still on 1/20/19 ! If not probably a few days after that! I promise!


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