Lance: The Return

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Four Years Later

I sighed heavily, staring out across the field as the sun was setting. Another beautiful day on Earth was over. It had been four years since I decided to stay here permanently and honestly I couldn't believe it. Everything about earth felt different. The air, the ground, the people. Everyone seemed happier, more relaxed, the flowers were prettier and the skies bluer. My mom likes to joke around with me, saying that I'm in my "honeymoon phase" with the earth. When I was here, I didn't appreciate it as much as I should have and when I left, it made me realize why earth was so important to me, why I love being here more than anything in the world. Well, almost anything in the world.

"Tio Lance!" A voice shouts over the earpiece I have hooked over my right ear. "¿Ya casi terminas?" Nadia complains. I laugh a little before hitting the button on the side so I can reply to her.

"Sí Nadia. Me voy a casa ahora." She starts screaming in my ear about how excited she is to see me and I laugh, listening to her rant. It's been about three months since my brother, his wife and their kids last visited and I miss them terribly. Work on the farm keeps my parents and myself busy, especially since I'm the only kid left that's helping them. We have other workers we hire every now and then for harvest but, for the most part, it's just my parents and I.

"Nadia! Deja de gritarle a Lance." A hear a voice shout over Nadia whose voice suddenly fades. "Sorry Lance," Maria says, probably having taken the communication device from her. "She's very excited."

"I know, I am too. It'll be great to see you all again."

"It will. Your bother doesn't like to admit it, but I think he misses you more than he let's on." I laugh lightly. That first year after I returned home for good, nobody let me out of their sights. My parents were always worried I would run off to space again without telling them and Veronica thought I might run off to space without her. So someone was always around, accounting for my existence and I was constantly being checked in on by various members of my family. It felt a bit suffocating at first but, I got used to it.

As I swing the shovel over my shoulder, I glance off towards the house and it's long, winding driveway. The house, much like this farm had been abandoned for most of the Galra occupation. It was a bit of a fixer upper when my parents bought it but the land was good and spread out over four acres. Part of the reason my parents bought this place was because they were tired of city life. They wanted somewhere nice and quiet to spend the rest of their lives. And who could blame them? Our first house held a lot of memories but it was partially destroyed in the first initial attack. It's still there. It was also fixed up by a new family and I saw them once while I was passing by. They looked really happy there.

The farmhouse is two stories high and has five bedrooms, enough for all of my siblings and I, which is more than I can say for our first house. I chose the best room in the house. The one with windows that face the Fields. I like looking out at it, especially during night when I get to see all the stars and pick out the ones whose orbiting planets I've visited. It's surprisingly more than you would think.

As I finally emerge from the field and begin to head towards the front porch, listening to the sounds of my nieces and nephew fighting, something catches my eye. Marco's car is parked next to our fathers truck but there's another vehicle there as well and an accompanying person standing next to it. I turn my head fully to look and I'm so surprised, I drop the shovel I'm carrying and it clatters to the ground loudly. "Keith?" I shout watching the tall figure turn, a slight smile on his face. He's tying up his outrageously long hair and instead of wearing his usual, purple and black Blade of Mamora armor, he's in a simple jeans and T-shirt combo, an old black leather jacket tying the whole look together.

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