Keith: Make A Move

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Today was the day.

Today, I would tell Lance how I felt about him.

"Earth to Keith. You in there buddy?" Lance asked, throwing a towel at me. I laughed and nearly caught it but it hit my chest instead and fell into my hands. The two of us were currently in the barn. Lance had been milking Kaltnecker and I was petting Kosmo who was starved for attention at the moment. Lance and I, and his parents, had all been hard at work in the fields and while he was a pretty independent dog, he still needed me to show him some love every now and then.

"Yeah, I'm here Lance." I said with a smile. At one point during the day, Lance had been wearing a flannel shirt underneath his overalls but he had taken that off now and was simply wearing a white tank top, the straps of his overalls tied around his waist instead of resting on his shoulders. He looked kind of hot honestly but I really shouldn't think that about him when he's all sweaty and a little gross, but my brain couldn't help but think that he looked really nice.

What did make me a little sad though was seeing all the scars that crisscrossed his arms. The large lightning shaped one that starts probably somewhere in the middle of his chest and stretches out across his abdomen and around to the small of his back. Part of the scar is even visible up near his collar bone. I can still recall vividly the night Lance told me that he had died that day in the field and how it was Allura who had saved him.

"So yeah, that was my near death encounter with a Molicour." I said with a laugh, shaking my head. "My mom was furious at me."

"I would be too! It's very unlike you to just randomly try to pet an unknown species. That's my job." Lance said, gesturing to himself. I shook my head.

"In all our years in space, you never tried to pet unknown animals." Lance shrugged.

"Not that you know of." I laughed again. "I did have a death experience though." Lance said, thinking to himself.

"What?" I asked. "When?" Lance pursed his lips.

"It was while you were off with the Marmora and your mom I think. Right around the time we were trying to be friends with the Galra and Lotor was an unknown evil." Lance half smirked.

"What.. What happened?" Lance shrugged.

"Hunk, Allura and I were fixing an outpost for the Galra. Their shield had broken.. I forget how but Pidge and Shiro were on the inside, fixing it and Hunk, Allura and I were out in space trying to repair it. Something went... Wrong. This was also around the time before we realized Shiro was a clone and not... himself."

"Yeah, okay." I said. So much has happened to us in such a short time that sometimes it was hard to keep the timeline straight. Especially since I spent so much time in the Quantum Abyss.

"Well Shiro got one of his headaches... Pidge didn't fix somethign properly with the shields because she was trying to help him, an electrical discharge escaped and would have hit Allura and Blue but.. I raced over with Red, shoved her out of the way and took the full force of the electrical current."

"Lance!" I exclaimed. "Why would you do that?" I demanded. Lance shrugged.

"I loved Allura. I didn't want her to get hurt." Lance said slowly. "If I hadn't done it.. She would have been killed and none of us would have been able to help her. But she brought me back Keith, I'm fine." He said, touching his chest absentmindedly.

"How... How did she do it? how did she bring you back? Are you sure you died?" I asked. Lance nodded.

"I don't know how to describe it but... I felt it Keith. I felt part of my soul leaving my body and then Allura was there and she was screaming and crying and I didn't want to leave. I wanted to make sure she was okay but it was too late I was like... Hovering over the scene. I was drifting away." I felt a little choked up hearing him talk about it. "Then she just, pressed one hand to my forehead through my helmet, closed her eyes and..." He made a dragging down motion.

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