Keith: Leaving

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"Keith you can't." My mom begged as I continued to pack up my stuff to leave. I knew it was a bad idea to call her but I had to talk to someone, someone who would understand. "You have to explain to him that you didn't know. That you weren't trying too look too far into the future."

"I have explained mom. He doesn't want to hear it. I just listened to him cry in his room for the past three hours. I did that. I can't fix this. He's never going to want to talk to me again."

"Keith you don't know that. You can't just keep running away from this, from him."

"Mom, if me leaving makes him happy. Then I'm going to leave." I said, glancing down at my phone. She was leaning all the way forward and probably would've slapped me over the back of my head if I was in the same room as her but I wasn't. She was thousands of miles away and even though she could be here in an instant, by the time she was grounded and found Lance's farm, I would be long gone.

"Don't make me call Romelle." She threatened lightly, a smile on her face. I nearly laughed but it came out more like a scoff as I zipped up my backpack. "I'm calling her."

"Mom don't-" But I could already hear Rommelle's unmistakable cheery ringtone and I sighed. Moving quickly, I exited Rachel's room, leaving it just as I had found it. I headed down the stairs and into the dining room just in time for Romelle to answer. She was yawning loudly and her blonde hair was messy. It looked like she was in her pajamas. We had probably woken her up.

"I swear, you Kogane's do not know the meaning of sleep." She whined. My mom laughed and I smiled a little as I patted my pockets for the key to my bike. "What's wrong? Something good happen with Lance?" She asked, rubbing her eyes. When neither of us spoke Romelle sat up, her phone shaking in her hand as she adjusted it so we could see her better. "No, not something good. Something bad. What's happening?" Rommelle demanded

"He's leaving, in the middle of the night, without saying goodbye." Romelle half glared at me through the split screen.

"Keith Idiot Kogane." I sighed and headed outside. "You can't just leave. What happened? What's wrong?"

"Can you give her a rundown mom. I'm hanging up. I'm getting Kosmo and leaving." I said with a shake of my head, walking down towards the barn.

"Keith I swear on Voltron if you leave that farm without saying goodbye, I will kick your ass into the afterlife." Romelle threatened. I laughed. Her angry face was always funny. "I'm not joking around here Keith, come on just tell me yourself what happened. Calm down." I took a deep breath as I entered the barn. "And go somewhere with more light, I can barely see you." I shook my head.

"It's the middle of the night here. I'm not turning on any lights and waking up his parents." I said.

"Fine but at least tell me yourself what is going on please." Romelle begged. I sighed and glanced around the barn. Kaltnecker and the horses were asleep but I could see from my position on the ground that up in the hayloft, Kosmo was still awake. Slowly, I started to climb up to the hayloft as I explained to Romelle and my mom what had happened. Kosmo snuggled up against me when I reached him and I stroked the fur on his head with a sigh.

"And I just listened to him cry for three hours Elle. I... I don't know what to do." I said.

"Don't leave." Romelle said. I sighed. "Don't leave yet because you told him that you would only stay with him as long as he was welcome. Did he tell you to leave? To never come back? That he never wanted to see you again?" Romelle said.

"No but..."

"There are no but's Keith." Romelle said. "Ask him yourself when he wakes up in the morning. Ask him and if he tells you to go, then you go." I didn't want to stay though. Everything in me was telling me to leave, to run away but I knew that they were right. Romelle and my mom were right.

"Okay." I breathed out. "I'll leave when he tells me to."

"He might not Keith." My mom said optimistically. But I wasn't an optimist.


"Keith?" A soft voice called out as I leaned against the fencepost bordering the field. Kosmo was on the ground at my feet, still tired after I had so rudely woken him. I half turned to see Mrs. McClain exiting the house, coming my way. I ground my teeth. Fuck. I was hoping Lance would wake up before his parents and confront me again before they could. "What are you doing out here mi amor? It's cold." She came to stand next to me, eyeing my backpack funny. "You're leaving." She stated.

"Lance and I got into a fight. I don't think he wants me around anymore." She touched my arm lightly.

"But you're still going to say goodbye."

"I didn't want to just leave in the middle of the night. I've done that enough times to know it's never a good idea." I said even though it was a partial lie. Romelle and my mom had convinced me to not leave without saying goodbye (And Kosmo also kept teleporting me back to this fence if I moved too far away)  but standing out here in the cold, thinking about Lance and our fight made me realize that if I had left without saying goodbye, then we might never be able to fix this. He might never be able to forgive me for turning tail and running like a coward. At least this way, he would know that I really was sorry for failing to realize that Allura had disappeared from my future in the Quantum Abyss.

"What's wrong Keith?" God, I hadn't realized I was beginning to cry. I wiped at the stray tear that had fallen down my cheek and tried to smile at her.

"I'm sorry Mrs. McClain. I'll be okay. I promise." She clucked her tongue and tugged on my arm. I didn't realize what she was trying to do until she was hugging me. I hesitated, unsure if I should hug her back.

"Whatever it is Keith, whatever you two fought about, don't take it too hard. He's always been a little emotional and irrational but even more so after he lost Allura." I bit on my lip so hard I swore it would bleed. "You two will be fine. I just know it." I couldn't help it. I hugged her back as the first rays of sunlight appeared in the horizon.


"So you're leaving." A voice called out. I turned away from the sight of the rising sun. Lance was still wearing his clothes from yesterday. He hadn't bothered to change when he came back inside after our talk I guess. He probably didn't see the point. Kosmo nudged my leg and I glanced down at him, biting my bottom lip.

"I told you I would only stay as long as you would have me." I said, looking back up at Lance watching him lower his eyes to glare at the ground. "I figured you didn't want me around anymore."

"Then why didn't you just leave." He demanded, scowling at me. Kosmo whined next to me.

"I wasn't going to leave without saying goodbye Lance." The silence stretched between us as he stared at me, anger written on every inch of his face.

"Then leave." I swallowed hard.

"Goodbye Lance." I turned around again, shifting the strap of my bag higher up on my shoulder. I kept hoping, praying he would ask me to come back, tell me he wanted to talk but Lance remained quiet. I got on my bike slowly and glanced over at him. Kosmo hadn't moved from his spot. "Come on Kosmo!" I called out. But he growled, glaring at me. "Kosmo, now." I said forcefully. He barked and Lance sighed and walked towards him. He pet his head lightly, muttering something to him. With a half whimper and a half growl, Kosmo turned tail and trotted towards me.

When Lance stood he was staring at me but I couldn't make out his expression from this far away. I yanked my helmet down over my head, stashing the second one in the compartment at the bottom of my seat before I turned the key in the ignition. Kosmo came to stand next to me as I did. "Keep up buddy, okay?" Kosmo nodded as if he understood and then I drove off, feeling like my heart was breaking with every mile I put between Lance and I.

The video, of course, if Frovermore by the Maine dubbed in Spanish again. I just love the song so much and I hope you all do too by now! Also, sorry I never posted yesterday! I was at Disneyland but I remembered that I should post it today ☺️ see you all next week!

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