Lance: Freeloader

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Keith has been for almost a week now and if he stays any longer I might just loose my damn mind.

The two of us are currently in the barn and Keith isn't wearing a shirt and I really wish he was because I was just about ready to explode. Yeah, I walked in on him that one time and watched him get dressed but that was different. He had his shirt off for like twenty seconds. So far he's had it off for almost an hour. I could now admire, from afar mind you, the toned muscles of his chest and arms and the scars that crisscross his skin. It's only been bout five years since I realized I was bisexual and it's been only three years since I came out to my friends and family and in that time, I've really come to appreciate how attractive guys look without their shirts off. Especially Kinkade.

But Keith was a whole different story. He was our team leader, our captain. I shouldn't be staring at him while he's shirtless and I definitely shouldn't be admiring how nice he looks while he's shirtless and sweating because not only is that gross, but this is Keith we're talking about here. But it's hard not to stare at him when he is currently the best looking thing in this barn, even above myself, though I would never admit it.

It was nice having him here though. Really nice. It's great talking to someone other than my parents and hanging out with him at night on the roof of our house. We talk a lot about the planets he's visited during his time with the Blades. He always has funny or exciting stories about his time with them and about all the fights that Axca, Zethrid and Ezor get in with each other.

"They said they've known each other for close to a thousand years. I thought that was insane. I don't know how they're still friends after such a long time." Keith laughed. "How do they stand being around one another?" I smiled a little, staring up at the starry sky above us.

"I imagine it would drive you insane. After all, that is the reason you voted me off of Bob's Game show." Keith looked over at me.

"You mean on Garfle Warfle Snick?" I nodded.

"I get it. I am really annoying." I said with a shrug and a laugh. Keith shook his head a little.

"I-I'm sorry Lance. I know I said that's why I was voting for you to leave but that wasn't the actual reason." I arched an eyebrow at him.

"What was the real reason then? You didn't want to see my dumb face ever again?" I joked, nudging him. Keith shook his head again.

"No, I voted for you to leave because I knew how much you wanted to go home, to see your family again. I wasn't going to let some asshole keep you trapped in a game forever, especially since he kept calling you dumb. You're not dumb Lance." I stared at Keith in surprise.

"Oh, okay. Thanks Keith. Why didn't you just say any of that then?" Keith cleared his throat and I swore he was blushing.

"You voted for me Lance. I thought you were going to vote for Allura." I actually had thought about voting for Allura. I did want her to leave, to have some kind of life without us and help train new paladins but then... Then I looked over at Keith and even though I couldn't see whose name he was writing down, I knew I should vote for him because he was our leader. He would be able to pick himself back up after loosing all of us to this dumb game. He and Shiro would find other paladins. They would finish the war. Before I could think on it some more, I wrote Keith's name down and the pen disappeared from my hand.

"Well I did want to vote for her but I know Allura would've been heartbroken that she lost all of us. I knew you would be able to move forward. You were our Captain, it's kind of what you're supposed to do. Besides that, you had just found your mom. I wanted you to be with her again." Keith smiled.

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