Lance: Stay

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"He's been at the house for nearly three weeks is there something you're not telling me Lance Mateo McCalin?" Veronica asked, adjusting her glasses on her face as she leaned towards the screen.

"¡Cállate! Él está en la otra habitación." I hissed to my sister through my teeth. She laughed.

"What? It's true. Come on, you can't seriously be telling me that you don't like that boy in any way possible. I have eyes Lance, I see how you look at him and talk about him and..."

"Veronica we are not discussing this unless you want me to make this a fucking conference call and bring Axca in right now." Veronica blushed red and laughed nervously.

"W-what? I d-don't..." Veronica said with a nervous laugh.

"Tengo ojos, Veronica. Veo la forma en que la miras." I mocked. Veronica cleared her throat, sat up in her chair and straightened out her uniform.

"Fine, I won't bug you about him."

"Thank you!" I said with a huff, falling onto my back on my bed. "Keith and I are just friends anyways and he's only here because he knows how antisocial I am now. Hunk told me that he told Keith to stay at our house because he's worried about the amount of time I'm spending with our parents."

"Well Hunk's not wrong. You need to get back out there baby brother. You need to come back to the Garrison. You can fly circles around half of the Captains they've just promoted here." Vernica said with a huff of disgust.

"I'm not ready yet." I grumbled. "And anyways I never finished flight training. They'd never let me become a Captain."

"Are you kidding? Iverson literally has a uniform with your name on it for whenever you decide to come back. Literally, I've seen it. It's way too good for you." I laughed. "And it's collecting dust! You need to wear it. You need to get back out there and explore the galaxy with your long haired boyfriend." I blushed red.

"What did I say Veronica?" I warned.

"I know, I know. I'll shut up now." She sighed. "I'm just saying little brother. You can still do the things you love and spread Allura's message about peace. Do what Hunk does! Become an Ambassador for Earth. You'd be good at that." I smirked.

"I doubt it. You know I suck at public speeches." She smiled as someone knocked at my door. "Come in!" Veronica shouted. I heard Keith laugh. The doorknob turned and he popped his head in.

"Hey, is it really okay to come in?" I rolled my eyes and sat up.

"Yeah, come in. I was just about to hang up on my sister." I said emphasizing the hang up part just in case she got any ideas about telling Keith that we should be together or something.

"Don't you dare. Let me talk to Keith." She said I sighed as Keith came to sit next to me on my bed. I tapped the projection button on my phone and Veronica's image rose up off the phone and hovered there. I widened the screen so she could see both Keith and I on her end as I placed my phone down on the comforter for my bed. "Hey pretty boy, long time no see." Keith laughed a little.

"Hey Veronica. How have you been?" She shrugged.

"Amazing as always. I was just telling Lance here that he should come back to the Garrison." I was about to argue or groan but Keith was nodding.

"You should." He said to me. "I'm surprised you've stayed away this long."

"That's what I'm saying!" Veronica exclaimed.

"Cool it you two. I'm not ready yet. Maybe someday but not right now." I said with a shake of my head before looking towards Keith. His hair was down for once, spilling all over his shoulders and back. I swallowed hard. "So uhh did you need something?" I ask him.

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