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Two Years Later

"Are you ready?" Shiro asked, leaning against the doorway of the room. Keith took a shaky breath.

"I don't know." He admitted. Was anyone ever ready on their wedding day? Would Lance even be there? Would he walk down the aisle? Or would Keith  stand their for hours, waiting for him. Shiro laughed and came over to pat Keith's shoulder.

"Everyone gets nervous on their wedding day, that's normal Keith."

"I'm not really nervous just... Scared. What if he.." Keith didn't even know what to say. Despite Keith being the one to propose, Lance had said yes before Keith could even ask. Keith knew Lance was just as excited to marry him as he was but a knot was still twisting around in the pit of his stomach. They had talked it over dozen of times, Lance always assuring Keith that he was capable of loving both him and Allura but sometimes... Keith felt second best. Like an after thought. What if Lance realized that he couldn't love both of them? What if Lance just left him at the alter?

"He'll be there. I can hear him arguing with his siblings from here Keith. Everything is going to be fine." Is that who those muffled voices were of? Keith had heard them but was too anxious to focus on the sound and figure out who was speaking.  

"I just love him Shiro and I'm worried that he'll think I'm not good enough for him. He was dating a fucking Princess before me. A Princess for gods sake. I'm not a Princess!" Keith shouted. Shiro tried not to laugh.

"No, you're not a princess. You're Keith Kogane and Lance loves you for that." Keith huffed and flopped down into the desk chair before glancing outside where all of their friends, and relatives were gathering. Lance insisted that they get married at his parents farmhouse and Keith had no objections, he wasn't very religious anyways. Coran had wanted to be the one to join the two of them together in traditional Altean fashion but that involved ten tons of purple slime and the Altean version of a weasel, which Lance was completely against for obvious reasons, so instead the McClain's asked a former priest to preside over the ceremony. There was a knock at the door.

"Come in." Keith said with a sigh. Krolia walked in, arching an eyebrow at her son who hadn't turned around to see who had walked in. Krolia settled her eyes on Shiro instead.

"Is he... Okay?" Shrio shrugged.

"Just nervous." He said. 

"I'm not nervous." Keith said, voice riddled with anxiety. Krolia half smiled and touched Shiro's arm lightly. He nodded and headed out of the room as Krolia went and sat down on the guest bed of the room. 

"I always wished that your father and I had gotten married." Krolia said softly. Keith looked over at his mom in surprise. 

"Dad said that... You did." Krolia laughed.

"In a way we did but it was the Galra way, not the human way." Keith furrowed his eyebrows together.

"What is Galra marriage like?"

"It involves the couple fighting in hand to hand combat." Keith snorted.

"Of course it does."

"I used to train a lot out in the desert with your father. He could never beat me. The only time he did was the day I married him. " Keith smiled lightly. "Of course, being a human he didn't understand Galra customs until I explained it all to him and he was very surprised."

"He said something dumb didn't he." Krolia laughed.

"So we're married now? That was fast." Krolia smiled to herself. "We had only known each other a couple of months but we had both already fallen in love. I just wish..." She paused and took a deep breath. Keith took her hand. "I miss him so much Keith. I thought of both of you everyday that I was gone and I always pictured the three of us being together... Finally a Family. I had never imagined that I would loose him. He always felt so.. Solid. So strong." She looked over at Keith. "You and Lance love each other Keith don't waste your time worrying about anything else. The bond you two share, that's all that matters right now." Keith stood up and Krolia did too. she hugged her son to her tightly and Keith felt her kiss the top of his head. 

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